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How to Tie Down a CS?


Active member
I hope someone can help me with this - I've just made arrangements to buy an '04 650 CS and will need to trailer it back home from about 6 hours away. We have a trailer, and I've bought tie-downs. Now I need instructions on just how exactly to go about tying the bike onto the trailer. Please?

What sort of tie-downs do you have?

Securing your CS to the trailer is pretty much like any other bike, it's all about triangulation. You will want the front tire to be up against something that won't move, then take your tie downs and put one on either side of the bike, the handlebar is nice but one on each fork leg will do. These two straps want to go forward and down to pull the front wheel up against the stop. Don't compress the forks too much. Same drill out back, but more perpendicular to the bike. I like to have some sort of blocking on either side of the tires to keep them from sliding left or right on the trailer.

I usually put it in gear and wrap a bungy around the brake lever to minimize the back and forth motion.

Something like this:

The key is getting a good spread between anchor points and finding tie-offs on the bike that clear the painted areas.
Thanks for the reply, Steve. I have the woven type tie downs with ratchets, and a 'Trailer in a Bag'. Just wasn't sure if there were instructions specific to this type of bike, as it's new to me.