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Hepco Becker Keys


Well-known member
I have a set of older Hepco Becker, Krauser/BMW style bags.

The locks for the bags are marked with a 6.

Hepco Becker says the 6 keys are NLA.

Anybody know where I can get a set of keys?

Anybody have a pair in their tool box/extras they would like to part with? St.
I thought Bob's BMW carried Hepco-Becker bags...I checked the website and they might since these were Krausers maybe migrated to BMW bags...I'm just not familiar with them. Snowbum also discusses Krausers in the middle of this page:


Then there's places like Repsycle in Ohio for used parts.

I have looked over Snowbum's article, no mention of a Hepco Becker 6 key.

This makes it very intersting in that I have seen and have S150 keys, they don't fit the locks even though the lock says S150 on the latch, the actual moving part of the lock has a 6 stamped on it. So, according to Hepco Becker, I need a 6 key. They are NLA.

Hoping someone has one laying around.
Would it be reasonable to contact Krauser per Snowbum's info? Have you made the rounds to the used part places?
If all else fails you can upgrade the latches to an improved version. All depending on how much you value the bags. You would need two pairs and I would asked for a matched set of keys.

Some nice items on that site although some are quite pricey compared to Motobins and others. One thing though, every time you click on anything that takes you to another page on the site you are presented with a nearly full page ad to subscribe to their newsletter! Over and over and over. It never stops. This is annoying enough to keep me and I suspect a LOT of others from ever using that site. Just obnoxious...
Agreed. There is a little box at the bottom of that ad. Click on it. It says never show again. It took me about 5 times before I saw it.

Well according to Hepco Becker and Krauser, the key I need is NLA.

For what it is worth, it has been a bit confusing trying to sort out the number game on these old bags.

So I guess I will have to:
One find a locksmith/luggage repair person who can make a key.

Two, change the locks/latches on the bags.

Three, hope someone has a loose key laying around in their tool box or desk drawer that they would be willing to part with.

Thanks everyone for the help. St.
S150 keys

I appreiceate the offer of S150 keys but, they are not the keys I need. I need a number 6 key what ever that looks like. St.
I have found a key

I found a key! The previous owner looked in his toolbox and found a key for the bags I have.

To be honest, it does not look like I expected it to.

At least now I have a key that works and know what it looks like.
I found a key! The previous owner looked in his toolbox and found a key for the bags I have.

To be honest, it does not look like I expected it to.

At least now I have a key that works and know what it looks like.

Now go see if you can get some copies made before you loose this one. :)

help with key

Hi STEVENRANKIN, I know it has almost been three years, but I am currently in that same situation, now.
I bought a Sudhaus key S150 and it is not even close to fitting.
I am running down all options and hope you can help in getting a copy of the #6 key you referenced.
Also, I read about and contacted Key Kraft in SFO, and waiting to hear back from them, too.
(I did send a p.m. to you)
a follow up on my keys

Ok, so it has been awhile since I started this post and my teflon memory has leaked out the particulars. I was looking for a key, and found one. As I can't remember which of the two bikes the bag I needed the keys for is on. I don't remember where the number 6 comes into play? Also, I can't remember where I sourced the key from. Sorry.

Here are pictures of the keys and locks they fit, I tried to get numbers clear and in focus. I hope this helps.

Key set 1.jpg

Key set 2.jpg

Key set 3.jpg

Key set 4.jpg
Do you still have any of the S150 keys available?

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