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Helimot = Great Customer Service


New member
I was riding down the 101 on my way to Helimot today in San Jose when my engine temperature light came on. I made it to the store and went in and purchased new gloves. I wore a hole through my previous Buffalo 365's after 2 years and 40,000 miles and Helmut had me sign them to put in his museum of used gloves. He then gave me a 20% discount on the new pair.

Before I was about to leave they helped me put some more water in my radiator, but soon after I noticed there was no oil in the engine either. There was thick beige foam on the oil filler cap. It wasn't looking good. I figured the oil/water pump was blown. I was about to call my wife to have her pick me up, when Helmut interupted and said, "You can take my bike for as long as you need to, until you can come back and pick up yours." He wheeled out his Suzuki SV1000 and wheeled my K75S back into the store. I rode the 120 hp SV home. :evil

Sweet bike. Awesome gloves. Great customer service.

Now I have to deal with my water/oil pump. :banghead At least it didn't happen on a big long trip.
Wow, crazy. I can't even get them to return my phone calls. And I was prepared to give them a wad of bills.
dlearl476 said:
Wow, crazy. I can't even get them to return my phone calls. And I was prepared to give them a wad of bills.
If it's not to late, PM me your contact info and I'll make sure he calls you.
Burnszilla said:
If it's not to late, PM me your contact info and I'll make sure he calls you.

I'm actually talking with his wife re: a side business. I've given up and gone elsewhere.
Burnszilla said:

Before I was about to leave they helped me put some more water in my radiator, but soon after I noticed there was no oil in the engine either. There was thick beige foam on the oil filler cap. It wasn't looking good. I figured the oil/water pump was blown. I was about to call my wife to have her pick me up, when Helmut interupted and said, "You can take my bike for as long as you need to, until you can come back and pick up yours." He wheeled out his Suzuki SV1000 and wheeled my K75S back into the store. I rode the 120 hp SV home. :evil

Sweet bike. *SNIP*

Uh-Oh we lost another one to the "Dark Side", the Force is Strong With This One. :stick

A bike that only requires chains and spokets every 10,000 miles :violin

Don't jump ship Stephen the "Battle Wagon" will reserect (sic) itself again.

Doc :wave
Burnszilla said:
I was riding down the 101 on my way to Helimot today in San Jose....

Sorry to hear about your bike, Stephen... sounds expensive.

A few years back, I had the pleasure of going on a GS ride led by Heli... do you realize that he can stand up on the pegs of a GS going 80mph and turn around to look backwards to make sure the whole group is still following him... on a dirt road?????

He is one *helluva* rider! :nod

Good job that Touratech panniers also make a great ambulance stretcher too then Ian...lol Just kidding, that would be cool to see at least once
Burnszilla said:
I was riding down the 101 on my way to Helimot today in San Jose when my engine temperature light came on. I made it to the store and went in and purchased new gloves. I wore a hole through my previous Buffalo 365's after 2 years and 40,000 miles and Helmut had me sign them to put in his museum of used gloves. He then gave me a 20% discount on the new pair.

Before I was about to leave they helped me put some more water in my radiator, but soon after I noticed there was no oil in the engine either. There was thick beige foam on the oil filler cap. It wasn't looking good. I figured the oil/water pump was blown. I was about to call my wife to have her pick me up, when Helmut interupted and said, "You can take my bike for as long as you need to, until you can come back and pick up yours." He wheeled out his Suzuki SV1000 and wheeled my K75S back into the store. I rode the 120 hp SV home. :evil

Sweet bike. Awesome gloves. Great customer service.

Now I have to deal with my water/oil pump. :banghead At least it didn't happen on a big long trip.
Ouch, Burns. That sucks. But at least you got a new pair of Buffalos :)
Let us know what happens with the repair. Howdya like the SV? Sweet bike, no?
Burnszilla said:
Who is that in the photo? That looks more like the guy from MaxMoto.

:ha I was thinking the same thing.

Count me in as a Helimot supporter as well. I was bummed when they quit selling the Held gloves but the 365s are great once they break in.

Sorry to hear about the bike but at least it didn't happen in Jefferson State.
Burnszilla said:
Who is that in the photo? That looks more like the guy from MaxMoto.

they called him "Heli" at the event... and someone said he ran Helimoto in the BA.

could i possibly be cornfused? :dunno