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F800GS battery replacement....anything new?

omega man

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
Staff member
With spring on it's way, I'm going to put a new battery in the F800GS.....I was wondering if there was anything new?

Just under two years the OEM battery was replaced under warranty- S: 61 21 772 3566 (off the battery).

About 3 Years ago I put in a YUASA (US Made) YTX 14-BS......Been working fine. It's my first choice for a replacement as I have had overall good luck with YUASA.

These batteries are small- for the work they are doing. I think it's a weight and space kinda deal.

Having one crap out already (plate separation) is really a PITA. The battery is hard to get to and in the case of a plate separation, the bad battery had to come out to make the bike have power to run.

So- anything new for the old F800? :ear

Solid Battery

I think you are safe with the YTX 14-BS YUASA. If you have kept it changed when not riding for a couple weeks you should be good for another year. If not, invest in a good charger such as the Battery Tender Jr. $30. It will definitely extend the life of your battery....old or new.
There's no reason to replace a 3 y.o. battery unless you're seeing symptoms of it's impending death. Plate separation is not a common occurrence, I wouldn't expect it to happen again. I generally expect a 5 year life-span on batteries, minimum.
When I replaced the battery on my F8Gs, I went with a Deka. I've been happy with it's performance.

as to tough to change it out.... 8 bolts to get the center panel off is "hard to get to?" Really? Somebody sounds spoiled:stick
There's no reason to replace a 3 y.o. battery unless you're seeing symptoms of it's impending death. Plate separation is not a common occurrence, I wouldn't expect it to happen again. I generally expect a 5 year life-span on batteries, minimum.
When I replaced the battery on my F8Gs, I went with a Deka. I've been happy with it's performance.
If I didn't suspect it was weak, and knew how much trouble it was to get to, I would not be changing it :dunno

as to tough to change it out.... 8 bolts to get the center panel off is "hard to get to?" Really? Somebody sounds spoiled:stick
Sounds like somebody hasn't seen my bike :stick
so what did you do... slap an RT fairing onto your GS??

hmmm... this isn't the usual sound of a dying battery .. "About 3 Years ago I put in a YUASA (US Made) YTX 14-BS......Been working fine. It's my first choice for a replacement as I have had overall good luck with YUASA."
so what did you do... slap an RT fairing onto your GS??

hmmm... this isn't the usual sound of a dying battery .. "About 3 Years ago I put in a YUASA (US Made) YTX 14-BS......Been working fine. It's my first choice for a replacement as I have had overall good luck with YUASA."
The YUASA brand battery has been working fine. It fit, terminals are in the right place.........
On the top of "where the tank would be", there is the spreader for the tank bag and the tank bag. Connected to the terminals are the battery tender and heated gear coaxial cables. Like a lot of the newer bikes, it's not just pop the seat and there it is.
I came from a R1100S, which requires all bodywork get pulled, air intake removal, and then a gas tank lift, minimum.

The F8 is cake.
Looks like there is an “H” thrown into the mix now- Yuasa YTX 14H-BS. Looks like it’s a change to an AGM configuration :dunno
I’m pretty sure the YTX 14-BS was a standard battery.
I've been happy with my MotoBatt batteries that I purchased from Tom Cutter at Rubber Chicken Racing.

I'm done dealing with anything that I have to fill or isn't sealed from the factory. It looks like the MotoBatt (MBTX12U-23 I believe) for your bike actually weighs ~4lbs less and has more amp hours...
I've been happy with my MotoBatt batteries that I purchased from Tom Cutter at Rubber Chicken Racing.

I'm done dealing with anything that I have to fill or isn't sealed from the factory. It looks like the MotoBatt (MBTX12U-23 I believe) for your bike actually weighs ~4lbs less and has more amp hours...

I’m not familiar with those but will take a look.