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Camping photos

Was getting older and had not slept in a tent for 30 years!

Cambria California 2013 at Horizons Unlimited event.


As a kid, camped with family, the "Y" and with friends. There were times the campout was a result of wanting to go dirt biking away from the crowd.

When in my 20's sometimes backpacked into the wilderness to get away from the noise.

Did not ride a motorcycle or camp in a tent for 25 years.

In 2007 bought another bike after working with people that are Motorcyclists. (some rode dirt, street, & even a Harley or 2)

I was looking for a Honda XR400, but this was available.

A friend talked me into attending the "event" in Cambria.

After digging out old camp gear, I figured a room at a local hotel would be my failsafe.

The first night with the old tent and bag wasn't too bad, so I stayed and had a good time.

Learned some things about tires, modern camping gear, and most importantly myself.

Still enjoy riding to get out of town and spend time outdoors under the stars.

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Various camping sites this past year

Soldiers Grove, Wi fall campout

Iowa Rally

Money Creek, MN BMW MN Rally
2018 Illinois Airhead Campout

Last weekend Illinois Airhead Campout and the sidecar folks, had a little rain, two or three many more inches of rain some damp tents no damp spirits.IMG_0396.jpg

Tent on shore of Lake Usually Not There
Many many moons ago but we had a fun little trip. 900 km's and 7 ferries.
Returning from the Spokane Rally in 2004, camped in Jasper National Park, Canada. It's been a loooong time since I last camped!!
Camping Jasper CA Jul 2004.jpg