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Camping photos


Cam Killer
We ride. Some of us camp. Got any photos to share of your camp set-up? This is my current favorite:


Or camping in Death-Valley... not quite a green. :D


What pictures do you have?
We used our new Nomad for the first time this summer. The tent is great and I enjoy the space and ability to stand-up to get dressed. It is big to haul so we will use it only some times. These were taken in prince George, BC....



For our trips on dirt roads, where we need a more manageable load, we use a MSR Mother Hubba. This was taken in Chicken, AK. It's always nice to camp under a pavillion when it's raining....


tough packing!

GSA's carry a lot:). Only takes 4 hours to pack this tent:). Along the Rio Grande near Big Bend NP...Randy


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The perfect campsite for me;

1. Must be down a small rough enough road to keep the masses away, and no neighbors for at least 10 miles
2. A nearby stream for drinking water and/or fishing
3. A big fire
4. A good bottle of scotch
5. A cool girl who carries her own crap on a GS

Brandy, not scotch. I've no complaints about the other 4 items. :thumb

Although the fire doesn't have to be quite that big.

Taken last weekend at the Buckeye Flat campground in Sequoia National Park. My tent. In the background is a friend is catching up on some reading after a short morning ride.

Challis Valley RV in Challis, MT was one of the friendliest places we camped this summer.


The Expo Rally in July

For the first two days, I was the only one on two wheels there. Had a great time. Next year, I'll be going on three wheels.


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