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BMW Z4 Roadster, a Road Trip, and Some Questions?


So here's the scoop. My wife and I are about to fly across Canada, from Hamilton Ontario to Kelowna BC to pick up our new-to-us 2008 BMW Z4 3.0si Roadster that has only 12, 400 kilometres on the clock - around 7, 600 miles I believe. No, we are not giving up our 2007 R1200 RT; we're just giving her a big brother, and planning to drive back across the continent. Road trips rule! While on our trip, which will be a barn burner of 4.5 days due to work schedules, I am hoping to pick up some motor oil for both the bimmer and the beemer. Our trip will go south east from Kelowna, BC, through Spokane Washington, then east through Idaho, to Butte Montana, Fargo North Dakota, Duluth, Minnesota, and then north east into Ontario, Thunder Bay, across the top of lake Superior to Sault Ste. Marie (one of the great rides on our continent!), and then south to home.

Here, finally is the question section:

1. Are there any states that strictly enforce speed limits, or is there a moderate amount of wiggle room. Can you go 70 mph in a 60, 65, or should you just toe the line and drive another hour a day|?

2. I will be buying some motor oil for my RT, because I think there's a better variety in the states, and the prices should be close to ours. What are you folks using in your hex heads these days?

3. Based on my general route and time restrictions, is there anything I must absolutely see on my way back east (Note - I am hoping to come out the MOA Rally at Billings, so I'll be back)?

I think that's all my questions, but I'll add I'm pretty intrigued by the comparison of a road trip on the RT vs the Z4. I estimate that there's a similar amount of storage space if you compare the car's teeny trunk to the bike's top box and side cases, and that the difference will be the lack of protective gear required (meaning less labour and head scratching) and the diminished exposure to the elements (which is part of the pleasure on our bikes), and the actual operation of the car (hot engine, great handling) vs the bike (hotter engine and a world apart in feel and handling).

I'll give a full report when we get back, likely on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
I will move this to maybe Ride Reports in the morning since it is not about a hexhead and not a regional question...a lot of questions which have a lot of possible answers.

That seems like a lot of real estate to cover in a short time...good luck!
I don't have answers to any of your questions, but that is a fun car! I had one for 3 years. The only reason I got rid of it was that it was my only car and it gets a little tight with anything in it... there's nowhere to put anything in that cockpit.

Enjoy the trip!

Just one data point, and maybe only an opinion -

In WA, state patrol seems to be generally tolerant of 3 to 4 over, but depends on the day and the individual LEO. In the Spokane area, local LEOs seem (to me, at least) to see their role as mainly revenue production, and there isn't much flexibility. The challenge is, they (locals) seem to have jurisdiction, or at least think they do - on all roads, highways, interstates, etc. My recommendation - don't push it much at all in this neighborhood unless you have a high threshold for adventure.

Safe travels, enjoy! Regards,


Just one data point, and maybe only an opinion -

In WA, state patrol seems to be generally tolerant of 3 to 4 over, but depends on the day and the individual LEO. In the Spokane area, local LEOs seem (to me, at least) to see their role as mainly revenue production, and there isn't much flexibility. The challenge is, they (locals) seem to have jurisdiction, or at least think they do - on all roads, highways, interstates, etc. My recommendation - don't push it much at all in this neighborhood unless you have a high threshold for adventure.

Safe travels, enjoy! Regards,


Well thanks Marty. It sounds like I'll have to just dial back the throttle and take it easy in a lot of Washington. I feel for you. Back home it depends on the time, place, cop, and luck of the draw, but on multi lane expressways we can generally drive 12 mph over without a care in the world. Back roads have less cops, but it they're there, their (note the English grammar lesson) attitude and how far over the limit, along with your attitude will determine the outcome. We'll be in Washington tomorrow, late morning. Woo Hoo!!!

As far as exceeding the speed limit, I've found in Washington the State guys don't really notice at all 5 over the posted limit except for construction zones. But then, I'm a Wetside Guy, around here on the freeways if you're not at least 5 over, you're going to get run over! Can't speak so much for Spokane, but even maintain the limit through that zone gets you through there in just a few minutes. LOL

Idaho seems pretty tight, I usually judge my speed by the local traffic and go with the flow. If there's one or two guys going a little faster, let them run radar gun interference. In Montana, once you get out of the mountains, seems like you can crank it up a bit. Dakota I set the cruise control on 80 and just moved along!

Based on local traffic, seemed as the Minnesota LEO's seemed a bit more serious running through major urban areas. Again, based on observations of the "local" folks.

The few times I've been pulled over, attitude counts a LOT! :)


Have fun! :dance

PS. Wish I could afford a Z4, nice ride my man!
PPS. Spent some time with a business acquaintance in his Z4. He carried a full set of golf clubs in his trunk, there may be a BIT more room than you think. :)

That Z4 sure looks like a nice ride! Hope you enjoy(ed) the trip.

Regards, Marty