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Oregon roads


Active member
Correct me if I am wrong, but my opinion is that the sweetest road in Oregon is just north of Redmond, through the town of Shaniko on OR293 and through some big country on OR218 down to the John Day River at Clarno and through the little burg of Fossil and on OR19 south to Service Creek, and from south on OR207 to Mitchell and back to Redmond on Hwy 26. Google Maps street view will tell you everything you need to know. The road is not deserted, but it is infrequently traveled and simply put, it is a rural mountain back road that runs through God's country.

I have had great fun on the road that takes off from CA96 along the Klamath River, but runs from Happy Camp to O'Brian, Oregon on OR199. This is a very remote route that runs through a region of extraordinary botanical and geological diversity.

I now work for Oregon Department of Transportation and a Region Maintenance Manager told me the twistiest road in the state is OR245 in the far east of the state. Haven't been on that, but it is wonderful country out that way, and if you piggyback the John Day Rally with the Redmond National Rally, it is not really out of the way. I ride an airhead RS and it stays on pavement.
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Lots of great roads roads all over.
Some great and some a tad sketchy. :giggle:


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Correct me if I am wrong, but my opinion is that the sweetest road in Oregon is just north of Redmond, through the town of Shaniko on OR293 and through some big country on OR218 down to the John Day River at Clarno and through the little burg of Fossil and on OR19 south to Service Creek, and from south on OR207 to Mitchell and back to Redmond on Hwy 26. Google Maps street view will tell you everything you need to know. The road is not deserted, but it is infrequently traveled and simply put, it is a rural mountain back road that runs through God's country.

I have had great fun on the road that takes off from CA96 along the Klamath River, but runs from Happy Camp to O'Brian, Oregon on OR199. This is a very remote route that runs through a region of extraordinary botanical and geological diversity.

I now work for Oregon Department of Transportation and a Region Maintenance Manager told me the twistiest road in the state is OR245 in the far east of the state. Haven't been on that, but it is wonderful country out that way, and if you piggyback the John Day Rally with the Redmond National Rally, it is not really out of the way. I ride an airhead RS and it stays on pavement.
Hi Mr. Browning: I've copied down the towns and route #'s on your post above. I'll try and create a track in Rever for this run while I'm at the Rally for something fun to do one day. Thanks for the post, and if you already have a track, please post it for download and save me the workšŸ˜Š

