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Sunday morning Coffee ride with the Black Hills BMW Riders


'21 R1250 GS Adv
Sunday morning Coffee ride with the Black Hills BMW Riders - I left home at 0800, rode through Spearfish Canyon, then to Rochford, 10 miles of gravel to US 385, South down to Sheridan Lake, and on into Rapid City via the newly straightened and ruined Sheridan Lake Road (the Tractors are now in love with it) for coffee with the "Black Hills BMW Riders" - we had eleven riders show up today, 10 on motorcycles and one in a Corvette. We waited out a passing thundershower and after it cleared I was surprised and pleased to have six riders join me for a lap around the hills, this is the most riders ever for a post-coffee ride in my experience with this august body. Leaving Rapid City we took "goat trails" to Keystone SD then stopped for a late lunch in Custer SD before heading West to Newcastle WY on US 16 and then North on US 85.


At Cheyenne Crossing I turned North and rode back up Spearfish Canyon, the rest of the group continued up US 85 to Deadwood before returning to Rapid City, home for most of them.
Nice ride, you may find me joining you sometime in the future. You have me wondering, what are goat trails?
Sunday morning Coffee ride with the Black Hills BMW Riders - I left home at 0800, rode through Spearfish Canyon, then to Rochford, 10 miles of gravel to US 385, South down to Sheridan Lake, and on into Rapid City via the newly straightened and ruined Sheridan Lake Road (the Tractors are now in love with it) for coffee with the "Black Hills BMW Riders" - we had eleven riders show up today, 10 on motorcycles and one in a Corvette.

Oh, say it ain’t so—they realigned the Sheridan Lake Road?? First they ruined Vanocker Canyon Road by paving it, taking some of the wicked out of the curves, and building starter castles along the road. We used to tune our flat track bikes on that road, and go trail riding on all the little trails that crossed it. That was back when Man Haven was about the only place to stay/camp without roughing it. Now it’s just another road through a subdivision.

What’s next—rework 14A so the tractors can handle it??
