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Sturgis - 2023

So DUIs are down 20 from last year but drug arrests are up 116. Interesting!

DUI’s could be for drug (other than alcohol) intoxication, so some of the DUI arrests could have also been arrested for misdemeanor or felony drug offenses.
Sturgis - 2023 - Once they were here and Pftt they are gone!

The folks in the know say attendance was way down this year - up to -20%, the State and City have yet to release their "Official Attendance" numbers which are predicated upon traffic counts, tons of trash, and a host of other tangible and repeatable metrics.

The great exodus started yesterday and continued this morning. I rode through Sturgis today and it is always amazing how fast the vendors can tear down and pack up.

It is almost quiet today.
I looked at the live view street camera several times in what I know to be peak rally hours and the crowd seemed much smaller. Very noticeable in my opinion. Regarding why the numbers are going down, I know one reason. Everybody talks about the aging out of riders, and that is obviously a huge factor. I represent another group, I'm far from aged out (I hope) but I've visited Sturgis just a few too many times to appreciate it anymore. It just got old.
I think a few days of rain didn't help attendance. I heard of a whole bunch of bikes mudded it at the Buffalo Chip.
It's a Wrap!

STURGIS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) - The nine-day Sturgis Motorcycle Rally came to a conclusion this weekend. The Department of Public Safety released data from the rally that showed both drug arrests and accidents were up this year.

In total, 1,479 citations were issued this year, up from 2022′s 1,430.

Drug arrests saw the biggest jump, with 155 felony drug arrests made compared to 103 in 2022. Misdemeanor drug arrests also rose to 246 compared to 148 in 2022.

The number of DUI arrests totaled 120, down from last year’s 148. The number of citations issued also went down to 4,296 from 5,288 in 2022.

There were a total of 127 accidents this year, 64 were injury accidents and five were fatal. Last year’s rally saw a total of 98 accidents with three total fatalities.
It's a Wrap!

STURGIS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) - The nine-day Sturgis Motorcycle Rally came to a conclusion this weekend. The Department of Public Safety released data from the rally that showed both drug arrests and accidents were up this year.

In total, 1,479 citations were issued this year, up from 2022′s 1,430.

Drug arrests saw the biggest jump, with 155 felony drug arrests made compared to 103 in 2022. Misdemeanor drug arrests also rose to 246 compared to 148 in 2022.

The number of DUI arrests totaled 120, down from last year’s 148. The number of citations issued also went down to 4,296 from 5,288 in 2022.

There were a total of 127 accidents this year, 64 were injury accidents and five were fatal. Last year’s rally saw a total of 98 accidents with three total fatalities.

The above numbers, percentage wise, is probably not far off from similar events.


How much money is made during the Sturgis Rally?
According to South Dakota's Department of Tourism, the Sturgis Rally generates an estimated $800 million every year.


Sturgis Rally traffic count reaches 359,000
