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Battery Options?


Active member
I need a new battery for my '04 650CS. The existing after-market one is marginal at best, and I don't want to get stranded. I'd like a sealed battery, if one's available. Anuone know if such a beast exists?
I have a sealed battery from BikeBatts.com. #YB12AL-A2.
I ordered and installed it in 08. I checked the site and it's out of stock which is pretty much the norm. I dealt with Tim at sales@bikebatts.com. Took me months to get it but they kept in touch to let me know when they had them available. Problem is they have the battery for the F650CS special ordered and only have a limited amount each year. You might want to get on the waiting list like I did or hunt for another vendor that carries them.

Good luck.
I emailed Tim at Bike Batts with a question about the longevity of the sealed batteries. He was nice enough to respond and included the following information:

"The new batteries should be here in about 8 weeks. The new battery will have an 18 month warranty. As a show of gratitude for their long time support, I am considering giving F650 Chain Gang members a 24 month warranty. Feel free to call me at (888) 561-7100."

Tim will add you to his notification list when the batteries are in shop if you send him an email.

Super nice and supportive. For a $54 battery, Tim goes out of his way with customer support.
Thanks for the info Susan! Sounds great! Now I just have to find out if he'll ship to Canada. BTW - was it a straight-up replacement for the original, or were some modifications needed to make it fit?
