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Antigravity Labor Day Sale


Debbie's Servant

Today through Sep 7th the Micro-Start Jump Starters are 25% off.

LABOR DAY SALE 9/3-7: Coupon LD15 = 15% OFF Antigravity Products Storewide. Coupon LD25 = 25% OFF Micro-Starts + Deep Cycle Batteries

I carry the XP-3

Tailbag or Saddle Bag.jpg
I have had both the smaller version and the larger version.

(I'd have to check my records to see exactly which ones.)

The smaller version for small vehicles and motorcycles has a problem with its on-button.

When stored in with other items any pressure on the side where the on-button is will result in a dead unit.

It happened to me many times until I glued a large round washer on around the button to keep it from being pressed by the other stuff in my bags.

The larger version started my 1986 325 ES no problem...the first time.

A month later after being fully charged it wouldn't start anything. It was dead.

So...shop around and see what has changed or been improved before you jump on such "a good deal."

Just one man's experience.
Thanks. Maybe the time to get one of these. So many great reviews.

If you get one, get a pigtail for your battery that fits the jumpstart battery. Those alligator clips are extremely difficult to attach to a lot of bikes.
If you get one, get a pigtail for your battery that fits the jumpstart battery. Those alligator clips are extremely difficult to attach to a lot of bikes.


First- I imagine if I purchased one, I was hoping it would jinx me into the expense and I would never need it :D

Second, my first thought was the SAE style pigtail that is supplied with a Battery Tender probably would need to be changed to perhaps 10 gauge wire so a jump start would be possible. The batteries in motorcycles seem to buried deep. Rather hard to get to the battery in the F800GS.

Good point to bring up :thumb

Second, my first thought was the SAE style pigtail that is supplied with a Battery Tender probably would need to be changed to perhaps 10 gauge wire so a jump start would be possible.


Even if your pigtail was heavy enough it would not connect to the jump starter.

Our batteries are easy to get at so I carry the clips. This allows other people to use my jump started if they need it.

Here's the link for the different harnesses. https://antigravitybatteries.com/productline/accessories/micro-start/