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Everyone still liking the Antigravity jump-packs and products?

I have an XP-1. It is at least 10 years old,it still takes a full charge. Can I safely test it with a battery load tester to see if it will work as a jump pack should I ever need it.
I have an XP-1. It is at least 10 years old,it still takes a full charge. Can I safely test it with a battery load tester to see if it will work as a jump pack should I ever need it.
I would not test it in that manner. I’m pretty sure the nature of these devices uses the vehicles battery to “buffer” the jump power that comes out of the jump-pack.
You may be able to get away with a test on a “carbon-pile” adjustable load bank but not the common “toaster element“ style of tester.
I can suggest finding a vehicle that has been hanging around, with a low battery, and testing in that manner.
While testing is a great idea, my suspicion is that the battery internals are looking good but have actually “aged out”.
For all of our interest, let us know if you do try a test- and the results.
Thanks for the reply. I think I will take your advice on trying it on a car that needs a jump. I will update with the results.
Went on down to the Harbor City Harley shop and checked out their official Harley booster pack (thanks, Jodi and Bryan!)...
It's almost the size and weight of one standard brick: 6.7" x 3.2" x 1.7" and 2.4 pounds, not including the plastic case and accessories. It seems to have more "safety" features than µGrav.
Peak current rating 1000A (my XP-5 is/was 300A). Wow, I guess they want to cover the higher-compression big bores, ok.
The official instructions and video (on-line) state that it's not rated for a car or truck, but that's probably CYA Legalese, considering that my XP did start cars and trucks.
Yes it needs a USB power supply; but I see other reasons for getting me one o' those.
It's quite bit larger and heavier than what I'd prefer to carry on the bike, but it would be fine for my car.
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Went on down to the Harbor City Harley shop and checked out their official Harley booster pack (thanks, Jodi and Bryan!)...
It's almost the size and weight of one standard brick: 6.7" x 3.2" x 1.7" and 2.4 pounds, not including the plastic case and accessories. It seems to have more "safety" features than µGrav.
Peak current rating 1000A (my XP-5 is/was 300A). Wow, I guess they want to cover the higher-compression big bores, ok.
The official instructions and video (on-line) state that it's not rated for a car or truck, but that's probably CYA Legalese, considering that my XP did start cars and trucks.
Yes it needs a USB power supply; but I see other reasons for getting me one o' those.
It's quite bit larger and heavier than what I'd prefer to carry on the bike, but it would be fine for my car.
Cell phones come with a cord you could use. :stick:brad:wave
Some Good News -

I contacted AntiGravity yesterday with a couple of questions, regarding the actual differences between the XP-1 and XP-3, mostly which one I'd be happier with.
I told the guy outright that I have a 6-year-old MicroStart that no longer holds a charge, and asked if they sell Direct these days.
"We sell direct." (I'm thinkin' that since Harley isn't their customer any more, they need to encourage more sales.) "You're welcome to visit us Monday to Friday, 7 AM to 4 PM (closed for lunch from 12 to 1 PM)." (turns out that I reside not very far from them)
"Also, if your Micro-Start is no longer functional, you can fill out and return the attached Warranty Claim Form, and we'll offer you a 40% discount on any new Micro-Start kit."
The "standard" warranty is just one year, so I e-mail right back -
"Just to be honest - my old unit is over 6 years old... still eligible?"
"Yes it's still eligible. And you don't have to bring the Micro-Start, just the warranty form." (Earlier units like mine didn't have a Serial Number to enter into that box on the form.)
So, I filled out the form (leaving the S/N field blank), loaded up the complete kit (unit, pouch, cables, manual) and rode on over to their place... and I am now the owner of a brand-new XP-1 for only $99.21, including CA taxes.
I asked, "Does this apply to all of your older boosters?" "I believe so, for the time being."
So if yours is on its way out, contact them, and get 'em while they're hot!
A bonus reason-

“Everyone still liking the Antigravity jump-packs and products”?​

:clap :clap :clap
"Also, if your Micro-Start is no longer functional, you can fill out and return the attached Warranty Claim Form, and we'll offer you a 40% discount on any new Micro-Start kit."

Good to hear.
Thanks for the update.