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" A day in the life...."


2 Wheeled Troubador
had an interesting discussion earlier today about posting stuff about ourselves and who and what we are here on a "Motorcycle" forum. There are those who would like to talk only about motorcycle stuff here, and then there are those who want to know more about the folks in this community that we are all a part of. I fall on the side fo the comminity thing so I thought I would start a thread about " a day in the life of"' where folks could give all of us some insight into their lives.

And so A day in the life of Oldhway.

Tomorrow morning I will start my day by waking up our 4 dogs who sleep in my wife Kristen's and my bedroom. I'll put them outside for a bit (we live on a fairly good size piece of land and they have a 1/2 acre of it as a fenced yard to run in). While the dogs are outside, I will check on line to see if I have email, have sold anything in my Ebay store (part of the music store I own), see what has occurred on this forum, and hope somebody has contacted me to buy the Miata I am selling. After that it's off for bagels and coffee with my wife with a stop at the in-laws to take care of their dogs and horse (they are away for a few days).

From there it is off to open the Music Center of Norwich, the store I co-own with a friend. Monday is the day to re-do the teachers schedules (we have about 150 students learning all sorts of instruments) and order any of the stuff I may have gotten low on in the last week. In this economy we keep a much tighter inventory than in the past to help control cash flow. Mondays I am in the store till about 5:30pm when one of my part time guys comes in till 8:00.

With the snow coming in, I'll probably be up on the Ford tractor plowing both our and my in-laws driveways tomorrow night. My son-in-law, who lives in a small in-law apartment attached to our house, is a southern boy and not so good with the snow so this will be my job. After that it's back to a late dinner and a couple of hours playing with the dogs, reading or watching TV until sleep.

Pretty mundane stuff, but a fairly normal day in the life of Steve.

So who are all you guys and gals and what is your typical day like?

Ps: Until all this new snow melts, I figure this is as good a way as any to wait till riding season returns.
Good Thread Steve!

A Typical Day of Dale aka Red

Monday starts out at 4:15 am to thick French roast set to brew at 4:10, and out the door to feed the horses, three dogs at my heels.

As to not wake everybody else out, I come back in on tip toes, then it's in the office to check emails, (check work emails that I put off to the last few minutes of the weekend cause it's never good news), check weather, BMWMOA for new BS, and read my latest book "The Idiot" by Fyodor Dostoevsky (boring, but the only book in the house I have not read already ten times over; I need to go get a new book!) and then drink coffee and wake up for 45 minutes...Shower and dress in my idiot suit...

Then it's on my motorcycle for a 40 mile predawn commute into the ciity (NOT!) this time of the year, it's REALLY goes...Then it's in my Subaru Legacy Outback for a 40 mile predawn commuute into the city for a Moadday morning meeting; then it's time to enter "Hell World" of a inner city portfolio property manager finding out what fires have ignited in which communities and how I put them out. I do this every minute, all day with a few carrots and apples and lately with a tortilla with jalapeno cheeze concoction at lunch. I then promptly leave at 4:30 for home and pick up my Son for a work out at the gym, then home. Salmon/for dinner (inspired by the guy who showed his salmon with the huge hulkin shrimp picture in my thread of "Whats For Dinner?" thread in campfire) Get the horses lunged and fed for the night about 7:30, then 14 yr olds homework helper/BMWMOA on the laptop till 9:30, back to the office for emails, Jon Stewart show, it's now 10:30 PM, and to bed. Get up and do it all again...

Thats my day coming up March 2, 2009
Right now I staring at the computer screen regretting getting banned from that other forum. If anything changes I'll let yous know.
First Street Bike Experience

had an interesting discussion earlier today about posting stuff about ourselves and who and what we are here on a "Motorcycle" forum. There are those who would like to talk only about motorcycle stuff here, and then there are those who want to know more about the folks in this community that we are all a part of. I fall on the side fo the comminity thing so I thought I would start a thread about " a day in the life of"' where folks could give all of us some insight into their lives.

And so A day in the life of Oldhway.

Tomorrow morning I will start my day by waking up our 4 dogs who sleep in my wife Kristen's and my bedroom. I'll put them outside for a bit (we live on a fairly good size piece of land and they have a 1/2 acre of it as a fenced yard to run in). While the dogs are outside, I will check on line to see if I have email, have sold anything in my Ebay store (part of the music store I own), see what has occurred on this forum, and hope somebody has contacted me to buy the Miata I am selling. After that it's off for bagels and coffee with my wife with a stop at the in-laws to take care of their dogs and horse (they are away for a few days).

From there it is off to open the Music Center of Norwich, the store I co-own with a friend. Monday is the day to re-do the teachers schedules (we have about 150 students learning all sorts of instruments) and order any of the stuff I may have gotten low on in the last week. In this economy we keep a much tighter inventory than in the past to help control cash flow. Mondays I am in the store till about 5:30pm when one of my part time guys comes in till 8:00.

With the snow coming in, I'll probably be up on the Ford tractor plowing both our and my in-laws driveways tomorrow night. My son-in-law, who lives in a small in-law apartment attached to our house, is a southern boy and not so good with the snow so this will be my job. After that it's back to a late dinner and a couple of hours playing with the dogs, reading or watching TV until sleep.

Pretty mundane stuff, but a fairly normal day in the life of Steve.

So who are all you guys and gals and what is your typical day like?

Ps: Until all this new snow melts, I figure this is as good a way as any to wait till riding season returns.

Hi Oldhway

Yesterday, my 20 year old daughter rode my R-1200s at a local high school parking lot, for the first time (1+30 hours of practice.) :brad

Today, she took it to the streets (1+00.) :wave

Tomorrow, who knows? :thumb

J.K. :wow

P.S. Everything else, that might have happened, doesn't really matter, in comparision....
Still getting used to the "retirement" thing...

Old me was waking EVERY day at 4:15Am and go to gym, come back home at 6AM and head to work on bike and a 23 mile trip...best part of the day watching the sunrise...then deal with public service municipal electric utility issues which became more political BS and less service oriented my last few years. Visit the MOA site a few times at work, Ride home the long way and enjoy the quiet and the dogs until my 9PM usual attempt at sleep...repeat

get up around midnite:banghead , 3 AM:banghead , and finally about 7AM with the dogs wanting food and me hearing the beep beep of the coffee maker. Bring Helen a cup and hand her her laptop as I wander into my office and crank up the PC for morning weather report so I know who is going to be posting here and what kind of mood they will most likely be in:whistle , check emails and sorry state of my stocks, log on to this site for some intel & entertainment . Then either walk across the compound to the shop to either work out ( this place had a small decently equipped gym when we bought it!) or stare at several possible "projects of the day" which range from tinkering with bikes to ongoing shop improvements to 6 acres of outdoor landscape projects. Then I go back to house and prepare for daily walk with H and the three dogs... and her plan for the day...sometimes we get to do her "project of the day". After the walk , eat a bite and make a decision on what exactly am I wanting to do today...sometimes it involves having to ride a bike somewhere as I use my GS as my cheaper to operate 3/4 ton truck...sometimes I end up riding all day and forget the project...we have been stacking stuff up for "a rainy day" that has not happened in over five months! :rofl
Meet H around dinnertime and a little TV...then both of us on computer for a bit, then maybe watch a movie and go to bed...until the dogs wake me up at midnite...a lot like Groundhog Day!!!
bubbazanetti will start tomorrow morning like any other weekday morning, with the alarm at 7:30, i will probably hit snooze till 7:56, which is actually 7:46, just to keep me on time. i will then get ready, the biggest part of my morning is coffee preparation, which i put a lot of time into getting just right, whole beans, grinder, perfect measuring, etc. i will not eat breakfast, breakfast is not a regular thing for me. after i'm all set, i'll grab my bag, wish my sweetheart a good day then head out the door.

my bus pulls up right in front of my place (this is annoying because its 24/7), somedays, if i just miss it, i can fast walk down the street and catch it at the next stop. my bus ride is about 10 minutes, over the bridge into queens where i get dropped off and grab the 7 train into manhattan, that ride is about 10 minutes as well and is often very crowded. the nice thing about not actually driving any of the vehicles you take to work is that you can chill out, sip your coffee and read a book or a magazine, it's actually not all that bad.

the 7 drops me off in bryant park, across the street from my office. work is chill, i usually get to the office at nine, hang up the coat, sort through the emails and phone calls, check the daily schedule and do any routine setups or events. then i go hang with my boss a bit and we decide what projects to tackle for the day. might be working on blueprints for new technology infrastructure, could be planning for a big event at the school or maybe just a lot of little things. half of my job is a/v the other half security infrastructure, so we're always fairly busy. i do the same day to day things, maybe explore a new food choice on Midtown Lunch.com or take a stroll during lunch.

After work, i generally do 1 of 2 things, repeat my trip back home and go to the gym then read or do some "work" online (including the modding of this forum:thumb ), or i'll have something to do with friends. this could be meeting up for happy hour, going to a play, checking out a band or maybe having a martini with Tessler. There's never a lack of stuff to do here, just a lack of cash. In the summer on Tuesday's we'll head down to the Ear Inn and hang with some ADV riders.

I'm usually asleep by midnight or so unless something truly crazy is going on.:hungover
Right now for me since I am on the Academy schedule....

Up at 0530. Check in online to various haunts. Drink a protein shake.

Take care of the three S's.

0630 I am dressed in uniform and out the door. 0730 at the academy. 0750 Formation/Inspection. Class all day with hourly physical training breaks. 1200 Lunch/set up the mats for PT/Boxing. 1515 break from class for the day and change into PT uniform. 1545 in formation for PT/Boxing. 1700 sweaty and exhausted but in formation for evening dismissal. 1815 home and putting dinner together. 1900 dishes done. Shine shoes. Prep uniforms and what not for the next day. then play with the kids and wife. 2130 in bed to do it all over again.

Today though.....up at 0430. Checking the websites to find out if the academy is going to have a snow day. No such luck. 0500 outside shoveling the foot off snow off my vehicles and driveway which is about 60' long 15' wide. 0615 finished shoveling. Get a call from my Drill Instructor informing me that we don't have to be there till 1000. YIPEE. Initiate phone tree to let everyone know. Now I am relaxing. Gonna go take care of the three S's and start the above day a little later.

From there it is off to open the Music Center of Norwich, the store I co-own with a friend.

How did the store come to be? That's not the business of choice of anyone other than someone passionate about music and musical instruments.

p.s. My wife is a violinist and orchestra teacher.
And here is the deal about retirement. There is no typical day.

Today my son is going to be here at 7:30 to pick up a table that I made tall legs for so he can use it at a desk in his office at SIU-E.

Then I have to pay bills as we are going to FL tomorrow to go sailing for a week. I will have to pick out some clothes for warmer weather.

Should change the oil in the van. Have to pick up license sticker for the Dakota sometime soon (expires the end of March).

Need the daily paper and a coke from town. If it warms up a little I will ride the bike.

Got a new finger joint jig for the router and need to fiddle with that some more to make tight joints.

Should eat a couple of times today.

Oh, got up very early this morning 7 AM.

Just another lousy day in retirement.
A day in the life of Josh:

Wake up to the alarm around 6:40 but lay in bed too long. Finally get up, get cleaned up, dressed, get the dog out, give her some food, check email and possibly the forum, then get the dog out one more time before hopping into the truck (in the winter) and drive into work. My commute is about 15 minutes, though maybe 20 on bad traffic days. I can expect at least one "slam on the brakes" moment because people don't know how to drive (I leave space enough for "hard brake" - this morning I saw smoke and smelled burnt rubber from someone not paying attention). Once I get into work, I check my work email, eat my breakfast, check my other email, news, and the forum. I come in at least 30 minutes before everyone else in IT (and usually it's more like an hour) so I have some quiet time to catch up on things, organize myself, and and finish a project or two before anyone starts to bother me.

Some days I drive home over my lunch break (no more than 15 minutes that time of day) so I can get the dog outside, other days I might run an errand or two. I end up driving home at 4:30 each day - generally I end up checking email and/or finishing any "emergency" work things up once I get there, and then I'm looking for food by 6:00pm unless it's summertime - then I might cut grass/wash the bikes/truck/work on the bikes. Winter is a killer for me since I'm stuck indoors.

Wow... my life is unexciting. :p

I think I'm going to work on a "day in the life" on weekends!
It begins around 0500 with a trip to the bathroom, two Excedrine, letting the two dogs out, and putting the tea pot on the stove to heat water for a cup of green tea before laying back down for some meditation time while the caffeine from the Excedrine kicks in. Twenty minutes later, the computer and I are lit up.

First I check the Yahoo headlines to see if there's anything I need to know about. Then its a scroll through MOA, ADV, and emails. The computer is located next to the sliding glass door so I can watch the day brighten and let the animals (six cats and the two dogs) in and out without getting up.

Around 0700, the water goes on for some oatmeal with bananas and honey. I cook the bananas with the oatmeal cause it fills the house with a smell that reminds me of Mom's banana pudding. I take my propolis and royal jelly supplements, add bee pollen to the oatmeal/bananas/honey, and turn on the morning shows.

Between 0800-0900, I dress and leave the house. There are always projects; either mine, hers, or a neighbors. Some pay, some don't. But, they all keep me busy until the sun starts getting low in the sky; I like to be inside before dark.

I do most of the cooking simply because I enjoy it. So, dinner is prepared while watching/listening to the national news and eaten while watching PBS's News Hour. There are just the two of us, so I wash the dishes by hand before settling in to the double recliner for a little mindless TV. The animals, dogs and cats, climb into our laps for their snuggle time. By 2200, it gets hard to keep the eyes open, and by 2215, after the local news headlines and the weather, I'm in bed. Five minutes later, I'm asleep.

It begins around 0500...........

Also retired. Up usually around 5 (can't shake the habit) and walk through the park and campus, watching the town wake up. Then internet, breakfast reading the New Yorker. Dishes. Clean up for the day. Go through the three newspapers I have delivered. Maybe meet someone for coffee. And so it goes.

This morning it will be interrupted to go buy tickets to see Elton John - he's coming to Laramie. Tickets go on sale at 8 this morning.

I should be able to take one of the bikes out for a while today. We're having an unusual warm spell. Wind can be a problem here, though. We'll see.

At 5 I have to run a budget committee meeting at my church, so I need to get the background information together sometime during the day. I'll eat lunch but probably not supper - I'm hoping to get my waist back eventually.

And to bed about 9. Pretty dull, but dull can be a nice change.
6:45 Go to Gym. Run. Sweat. Cleanup.
9:00 Start day. Correspondence. Bills. Things to go to Post Office.
9:30 leave for office.
9:35 arrive at office (around the corner from my apartment. Takes me 5 minutes, because I'll stop to joke around with morning doorman).
10:00?? turn on Instant Messenger.
1:30-2:30 Lunch (either brought with me or I'll walk to Broadway and score something from a sidewalk lunch box).

Scenario A:
7:30 leave work.
7:33 arrive home. Make dinner for my wife and me.
8:30 onwards: TV or reading. Rarely online in the evening hours.
11:30 asleep after local news.

Scenario B:
6:00 leave work "early". Go have beers or Martini with Bubba Zanetti (or go to EAR INN in Summer on Tuesdays) or meet other friends for a drink (making sure to never agree to have a drink in Brooklyn, of all places :ha).
7:30 onwards: Go out to eat / or Go see live concert / or Go see movie.
11:00-1:00 arrive home. Go to sleep.
8:00 am to 9:00 am. Roll out of bed and switch on the computer. Check for emails from our son or anyone else, but primarily our son. Check out this forum and a couple of others that I frequent. Put our German Shepherd on his leash and take my daily two mile walk/jog.
I then wander into the kitchen and do the breakfast search. Have some breakfast, grab a shower, and see what little odd jobs need taken care of around the house. If nothing in the house needs tending to I may go outside and do some things (depends on the Ohio weather). I try to catch the noon news and see what's up in the world today. I will call my wife or she may call me. She is a nine to fiver and is at work right now. Afternoon I will pack myself a dinner for work and probably just take it easy for a little while before I have to leave for work. At 3 pm I head for the garage and fire up the Enfield or maybe the pickup truck (there again the Ohio weather comes into play) and off to work I go. I have about 7 miles to travel to work. If I take the Enfield or the RT it is about a ten mile ride since I like to take the "scenic"route on the bikes. I work at the KW truck factory near town. I am a test mechanic. It is my job to see that the finished product is assembled correctly and everything works as intended. I usually get through two trucks an evening, maybe three. Depends on what I find wrong and how long it takes to get it corrected. I get off work at mid-night and arrive home at around 12:30 am. Shower, maybe read a bit, off to beddy bye by 2:00 am. My wife and I are both off on weekends and that is OUR time together since we basically never see each other awake during the week. That is pretty much my routine. Lots of folks don't like the evening shifts, but I have been at it for so long that I hate the thought of a day job.

up at 5:30 workout in home Gym (stationary bike, stretches, weights)
6:15-7:00 breakfast, read paper, shower
7:15 leave for the office
7:45-11:30 see patients
11:30-1:15 honey-do lists and errands
1:30-4:45 see patients
5:15 home for dinner with wife
6:00-10:00 honey-do's, errands, etc, capped off with TV and wine (usually sports)
10:00 bedtime


Up at 6:00 workout
Morning: Golf (have a regular foursome of miscreants)
Afternoon: riding, driving, bicycling, a movie, or some event together with wife.

Note: Every Saturday night is date night:

4:45 wife goes to 5 o'clock mass
6:20 she arrives home to candlelit table, and the steaks are ready to cook, a good bottle of wine is open, and (usually) Jane Monheit playing on the faithful old McIntosh. :thumb

if i want to keep up my copious beer consumption i have to do SOMETHING.

Yes, grow thick and lethargic like the rest of us. :wave

And then post photos of women of our same age and critique their less than sleek appearance. :D