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80/100 Watts Headlight bulb


New member
Has anyone used the brighter Headlight blubs, if so did it melt the bulb connectors or wire?

the wiring should not be at risk. (speaking for oilheads here, not sure about older bikes)

but the 80/100 bulbs are illegal in most states an will annoy cagers, FWIW.
I ran a 80/100 on my '96 R1100R for years, probably 70K without any problems with the wiring socket, etc. I added an Eastern Beaver relay about 30K ago. I also ran PIAA 1100s with the 85w bulbs. Aimed properly, I never had a complaint from an oncoming driver. I did not go with higher wattages on my '04 R1150RT based on concerns expressed by Jim Davis over heat in the confined headlight area. I used to get a lot of flashing lights from oncoming traffic on that bike with the stock setup until I adjusted the lights down a turn with of the dash knob. It was pretty inadequate light, so I bought some Osram +90s through the mail from the UK. I traded the bike before I installed them, so I know nothing about how they would really work.

I have yet to run the new R1200RT at night, but I understand it has much better lighting due to true dual headlights. I will check them out, and may or may not install the +90s.
For two years I have run an 80/100 bulb with a relay kit. I had one melt down on a trip when on one stretch I ran non-stop for 240 miles. The bulb melted into the attaching clip. I cut off the clip and installed a new one.

My thought is that inside the headlight the heat was too much for that amount of non-stop riding.
I used to use an 80/100 bulb, and while it did offer a bit more illumination I was never really pleased with it. I never installed a relay with it, and had no problems that I know of. But, the bulb would only last about six months. So that could have been because of a voltage drop issue without it being wired through a relay. I wnet back to a standard bulb after I also cleaned up the terminals on the bulb connector. Just because you can't see corrosion doesn't mean its not there. Corrosion on the ground terminal can and does shorten bulb life significantly.

This season I installed a PIAA Extreme White standard wattage bulb and WOW what a difference. The lighting is MUCH more effective, with much better clarity. On high beam it really throws a lot of light out there for the same wattage. I think it is actually higher rated in lumens for the same stock wattage. Plus the unique whitish/violet headlight color it presents to traffic I feel is an added visibility gain.

Before going through the hassle of installing a relay for the higher wattage bulb (which you really should do) I'd probably opt for an aftermarket HID light kit.
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If you use a high wattage H4 bulb, go to NAPA and get their high temperature H4 headlight connector:

Part Number = NAPA #LS-6235

I ran a 130/100 H4 bulb in the Iron Butt Rally (with relays of course) and had no heat or wiring issues with my K75. I have run a 100/80 bulb a lot with no problems set up this way.
... illegal...will annoy cagers

i live to annoy cagers.
and illegal....that's a bonus