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1970 60/5 cruising speed power drop and stumble as if too rich or out of fuel.


New member
I have been having fun learning about my new to me 1970 60/5. I cleaned and replaced some parts on the slide carbs, adjusted the valves and replaced the capacitor and points. It runs great until I get to cruising speed and then it starts to lose power and act as if it’s needing fuel or is flooding. I set timing with the static method. I have not bought a timing light yet to double check timing. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.
I would clean my plugs then take it for a ride to induce the problem. Thereafter, read the plugs. It sounds like it is getting too much fuel. I would check the main jet and float level as a couple first things. I'd also consider fuel starvation as a possibility... Properly set, static timing is usually really good so I wouldn't likely be too worried about that on my bike. Keep us posted and good luck - that's a great bike to learn these things on!
You can also slightly open the gas cap to see if maybe the cap vent is clogged or blocked. Just be careful that you have a less than half full gas tank and open the cap before your under way on a mostly straight and smooth road, just be sure you don't spill gas on the hot exhaust.
thanks I’ll check that out. Just to be clear. The vent is just part of the cap function correct. There is not an additional vent plug I should be checking correct?
Yes! The cap has a small hole in that metal plate that has the cork seal material on it. You should also check the fuel petcocks flow rate. The petcocks have strainers that can get clogged and slow down fuel flow.

Off topic: Is your R 60/5 an early 1970 model? It would have a silver stick on type VIN tag on the steering stem if it is. The later ones had the standard stamped steel plate riveted on. I am just curious, I have an early R 50/5 with that stick on type VIN tag
What kind of mpg are you getting? Have you run it enough to check…. Did you replace the floats? Old ones can stop floating well, and then the bike will run rich. I have an R60/6, with slide carbs. These have a choke cable. Do your slides have a choke cable or ticklers?
Yes! The cap has a small hole in that metal plate that has the cork seal material on it. You should also check the fuel petcocks flow rate. The petcocks have strainers that can get clogged and slow down fuel flow.

Off topic: Is your R 60/5 an early 1970 model? It would have a silver stick on type VIN tag on the steering stem if it is. The later ones had the standard stamped steel plate riveted on. I am just curious, I have an early R 50/5 with that stick on type VIN tag
Thank for the info. No mine has the metal tag and rivets. It shows a 7/70 build date.
What kind of mpg are you getting? Have you run it enough to check…. Did you replace the floats? Old ones can stop floating well, and then the bike will run rich. I have an R60/6, with slide carbs. These have a choke cable. Do your slides have a choke cable or ticklers?
Thank for the help. I’m not sure about the mileage. I haven’t been able to ride much distance without it acting up. I did change the floats so they should be good. It has the ticklers not the choke.
You mention either fuel starvation or flooding. First verify proper fuel flow from petcocks. Changed floats, Verify float height adjustment, could be your fuel starvation problem at cruising speeds. No mention of fuel coming out overflow confirming the float adjustment is not to high.