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Cold weather gloves

I'm not surprised the link is broken, I posted it in 2000. Try this one.

I still have those boots and they're still waterproof - even with the sole being glued back on with Gorilla Glue about a year ago. Still wear them from time to time - they're like old friends.

That said, I just bought a pair of BMW's AllAround boots and have already "road tested" them. They work just as well as the AlpineStars do/did. I'm headed to Ojai the middle of next month. I might "ocean test" them at Ventura if I have time...
The point about sweaty hands in hot wet weather is a good one to which I've yet to find a great answer. Hauling covers in the summer is pretty silly and space wasting and I don't even like them in the winter, though I have the Wunderlichs. And rubber gloves or the Aerostich items are guaranteed to give you hot sweaty hands after 15-20 minutes whether you wear them over gloves or by themselves. So far the best I've been able to do is deerskins or my Held Steves. Just let em get wet and dry off later when its hot- doesn't take long when you're riding. Recently added some Barkbusters to help extend the cold temp, thin glove use- be interesting to see how they contribute in hot weather.

This year I drowned one fpc, an accessory tailight and numerous TT HID 30 bulbs. Fixed the first two so they shouldn't repeat. Working on the last but may not to be able to fix the TT design flaws.

Be interested to hear a hard core review of the Gerbings 5. To me, the 3 is thick, too clunky and poor quality leather compared to a Held. I own em, they work but I sure don't like them and avoid them as much as possible.

I had a pair like those Yamaha snowmobile gloves many years ago when I rode all winter in upstate NY- wore them out from all the wet snow they saw. They sure keep hands warm but at a large cost in control feel- no way would I want them unless it was absolutely necessary these days.
Be interested to hear a hard core review of the Gerbings 5.
May not be too far down the road. I've upgraded all me Gerbings to the new microwire gear. As I noted earlier, I had 5's ordered. They did arrive but there was a packing error and I got XL's not the L's I need. The XL's are ok but the fingers are too long so I'm returning them for a correct size. Packing list says L's were packed, package certainly says XL. It happens. The replacements should be here in a couple weeks - old ones back [haven't packed them up yet] then time for the replacements to get here.

For the record - the microwire gloves "hot-up" damn fast and really evenly. Much better than the old ones. They're also soft like a baby's butt....