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Lightweight motorcycle cover?


67-year-old Teenager
I'm looking for a motorcycle cover that will pack down to a very small package.
I like the idea of having a cover on my bike in motel parking lots, but don't want to give up a lot of saddlebag space for it.
Any suggestions?
I don't have the company name, at the Sedalia Rally there was a vendor selling moto covers made from parachute material which had elastic border and packed down to the size of a grapefruit/softball. Reasonable price.

I have a BMW brand product that is a travelling cover, doesn't pack down quite as small as the one above but doesn't take up much space. I like the idea too of having a cover for parking lots, etc. Keeps wandering hands away from touching the controls, etc.
I have E-Z Touring "Travellers" for both of my bikes. Great design, well made and pack small.
I got a UV2000 half cover for my '78 airhead w/a Hannigan fairing. The large size covers the fairing and saddle bags ok. The fold up size is about that of a light jacket - it comes in a fanny pack for storage. I am still trying to understand why it's storage bag is a fanny pack belt.
M/C Covers -

I don't have the company name, at the Sedalia Rally there was a vendor selling moto covers made from parachute material which had elastic border and packed down to the size of a grapefruit/softball. Reasonable price.

I have a BMW brand product that is a travelling cover, doesn't pack down quite as small as the one above but doesn't take up much space. I like the idea too of having a cover for parking lots, etc. Keeps wandering hands away from touching the controls, etc.

Might have been this company. I bought one and kind of like, but I really prefer to cover the entire bike.

Bought one out of Hong Kong off flea bay. It was $12 including shipping and arrived within 10 days. It has lasted through many trips high winds and heavy rains. Not waterproof but reasonably resistant. Use sopme tent spray and it will be reasonably waterproof. Here is a similar one available in the US for just a few dollars more http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Motorcycle-C...Accessories&hash=item27c8937e5e#ht_1240wt_902

It is a light nylon with good elastic and squishes down to the size of a 1 litre bottle. Works great just to cover the bike and keep morning dew off
I got a UV2000 half cover for my '78 airhead w/a Hannigan fairing. The large size covers the fairing and saddle bags ok. The fold up size is about that of a light jacket - it comes in a fanny pack for storage. I am still trying to understand why it's storage bag is a fanny pack belt.

we have a few of these by Nelson-Rigg in various sizes. I too laughed at the fanny pack style pouch...ended up strapping it down to other bags at times and used it as a backrest as well:thumb

Got a EZ tour model with a used bike we bought...it does pack a little tighter than the Nelson-Rigg
I bought one at a Target store. It was under $30.00. It fits well and comes with a stuff sack. It's made of thin nylon.
+1 on the Nelson-Rigg UV2000.

Mine is the XL size, should work for either of your bikes. Price is reasonable and quality is good. Could probably be packed tighter by about third if you had a compression bag. The fanny pack is nice quality, but if you put any more into it, the velcro closure might be overstressed.



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+1 on the Nelson-Rigg UV2000.

Mine is the XL size, should work for either of your bikes. Price is reasonable and quality is good. Could probably be packed tighter by about third if you had a compression bag. The fanny pack is nice quality, but if you put any more into it, the velcro closure might be overstressed.


I also have one of these covers and it fits the RT extremely well without the top case, allowing the side cases to be completely covered. Cover fits snug to minimize friction of the cover against the bike when the wind is heavy. Easy on/off and packing. All yours for just over $40. So easy to use and transport I use it at home in the garage as well as when commuting for work; bike sits in an open parking lot exposed to the elements.

I have had the cover for about six weeks and so far it is holding up well. I have had Nelson Rigg products (rain gear) in the past and it held up quite well.
I'll take the cheap covers, thanks. The expensive ones don't do anything special except cost you more money.
I'll take the cheap covers, thanks. The expensive ones don't do anything special except cost you more money.

Show me another one that packs up as small and light as the Aerostich that covers an entire bike all the way to the ground that's made to last?
Show me another one that packs up as small and light as the Aerostich that covers an entire bike all the way to the ground that's made to last?

The 16 dollar eBay one does the job. Buy one and discover for yourself. Been there, done that.

If you have to buy six eBay covers, you're still waaaaay ahead.
The 16 dollar eBay one does the job. Buy one and discover for yourself. Been there, done that.

If you have to buy six eBay covers, you're still waaaaay ahead.

that's why I buy tools from the dollar store. I can buy a bunch even if they don't last and still be cheaper than anything else.

Or for some things spend an extra couple of bucks.

Good thought though for something that is a wear out item. Kind of like socks/sponges.