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Windshield on 2017+ C650GT - questions


New member
I'll find out tomorrow when I pick up my scooter from the dealer, but until then a question . . . In the windshield's lowest position will I be able to look over the shield? I hate looking thru a windshield -- I'll remove it completely if I can't see over it. I'm 6'2". Which leads me to my next question: Is the windshield easy to remove? After removal will I be left with some ugly remaining support stuff?
With a little care, the windshields cut pretty easy.
That would be my last resort. I'd remove it first. When I sell this scooter I would like the new owner to have a full OEM windshield.

Over on the BMW-Scooter forum, two members have responded that I will be able to look over the windshield, even in the full up position (the windshield is electronically moved up and down).
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Windshield question

That would be my last resort. I'd remove it first. When I sell this scooter I would like the new owner to have a full OEM windshield.

Over on the BMW-Scooter forum, two members have responded that I will be able to look over the windshield, even in the full up position (the windshield is electronically moved up and down).

You'll be able to see over the top of it, no problem for someone of your stature.