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What will take the wobble out?

Would it help to raise the front suspension slightly, and lower the rear? It would increase the rake and help a bit. Not sure if it is doable on a B.

This is partly to blame as it is. Rear is lower on the B/GA as compared to the GT/GTL. Add floorboards and this alone should be obvious to anyone why the bike wobbles. Aerodynamics 101
With feet/boots on top of them.

Have you tried riding with your feet on and off of them to see the difference? People are quick to say it's this or that, without really knowing what it is. Did I feel it, coming off of a Harley Street Glide, yes I did. I lowered the tire pressure, and it went away. It's not the floorboards or the top case.
Have you tried riding with your feet on and off of them to see the difference? People are quick to say it's this or that, without really knowing what it is. Did I feel it, coming off of a Harley Street Glide, yes I did. I lowered the tire pressure, and it went away. It's not the floorboards or the top case.

It's the entire ergonomic package. The spring loaded hinges don't fold back from the wind. The rear sits lower than GT/GTL variant (which don't have the wobble you complain about) and the aerodynamics help it be less stable. We can argue it all day long and you can choose to ignore the obvious but either way, it can't be fixed but you found a mitigation by lowering air pressure. Might eat tires a little quicker though.
It's the entire ergonomic package. The spring loaded hinges don't fold back from the wind. The rear sits lower than GT/GTL variant (which don't have the wobble you complain about) and the aerodynamics help it be less stable. We can argue it all day long and you can choose to ignore the obvious but either way, it can't be fixed but you found a mitigation by lowering air pressure. Might eat tires a little quicker though.

Umm 2PSI isn't going to eat thru tires. Again, I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I have 3,000 satisfied miles, that I put on in the two months owned. (90% interstate riding).

Did you sell yours?
My K1600b does not have the "optional" floorboards. Turbulence in traffic (or windy days) still moves it around far more than should be acceptable.
My K1600b does not have the "optional" floorboards. Turbulence in traffic (or windy days) still moves it around far more than should be acceptable.

Are you running your stock windshield? If so, which height is it on the interstate? All bikes will get pushed around in crosswinds, some more than other's.

I've tried a different windshield, it didn't work for me. I was getting the 'hit by waves' feeling in truck traffic. I put the stock back on and learned that it just needed to be raised higher, to allow enough air up under it, which evens out the pressure. I'm 6' and keep it raised about 1" from top. This windshield is designed for this bike, and designed to be all the way up on the highway.

Another thing I noticed is, if I'm getting crazy turbulence off of a weird shaped truck, I'll tuck my elbows in to reduce them being hit by the turbulence. Any 'shaking' by the body moves down your arms into your hands which creates the movement of the bike.

This is just my opinion and what works for me. I'm coming off a Harley Street Glide which I rode mostly on the highway for past 6 years, so this bike was a learning curve for sure. But now, after only owning for 2 months, and putting over 3,000 miles, mostly interstate on, I love it. It's very pleasurable and comfortable to ride.
Just bought a 2022 K1600B GA. I'm enjoying this bike. No issues for me. Great bike! Rides great with a lot of power. Just a fun bike overall!
I agree, such a pleasure to ride. Coming off a Harley, its a drastic difference in comfort and handling.
Umm 2PSI isn't going to eat thru tires. Again, I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I have 3,000 satisfied miles, that I put on in the two months owned. (90% interstate riding).

Did you sell yours?

My K16GT does NOT have any type of wobble, wiggle or unstability at all.
Since the OP never came back, it's safe to assume he got rid of the bike and moved on. In this video link, an experienced rider talks about the issue during his review of the GA. Skip ahead to the 9:34 mark. Sadly, the instability is real, in spite of what the Kool-aid drinkers would have you believe. https://youtu.be/dS6Gun8nhm8 He even goes so far as to say it's the one thing that would keep him from owning one.

I had my B on the interstate just yesterday and was cursing the bike for all the squirming it was doing in the heavy traffic at interstate speeds. "I really need to get rid of this thing" I said to myself. Then an hour later on a fast, wide-open highway with no traffic, all was forgiven. Sigh.
I have a cure for the wobble. Buy a GTL/GT. :rofl
Those models are better, to be sure. Which only reinforces my belief that the wobble/weave is aerodynamic. After all, the bikes are identical from the seat forward. I keep thinking one of these days I'll take the side bags off (unbolt, unfortunately) my K1600b and take it for a fast ride on the interstate. I won't be a bit surprised if the straight-line handling is much improved.
New K1600B owner here too (used one)....bike does the same...feels skittish and floats at steady highway speeds. Will try some of the tips here (drop psi first), plus my tire is slightly cupped so will research what's best. Once I resolve this issue, I'll be happy!
Sounds like you bought the wrong bike. May consider going back to a Harley.

Oh? So the K1600 is supposed to wobble? Your comment is so helpful!

I see a lot of BMW riders put down Harleys. I think it is pretty distasteful. Many of them have never ridden a Harley so they have no point to compare.

I rode Harley bagger for 15 years and abut 200,000 miles. They are solid feeling bikes on the road. Never a wiggle, except for my 2005 that would get a weird sway when ridden over 100 MPH, but as I can not legally ride that sped anywhere in the USA I don't see and issue. I will agree that Harley builds a low horse power, rough riding motorcycle, but the touring frames are decent bikes, just not rocket ships or build for high speed curves. You can ride mountain passes with one reasonably fast and enjoyably although some bikes will do it better.

There has been a lot of comments of unstable K1600s over the years. Some do it, some don't, nobody seems to know why. I have a buddy with a K1600GTLE and it rides dead solid all the way into triple digits. I have had it over 125 MPH myself a few times. If I had just dropped $30K in a new K1600 and it wobbled like some of the videos and info I have seen someone would be buying it back or talking to my attorney.
