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What Can My App Do?


Active member
Can I use REVER or any other app to suggest a scenic route between two points? Say I want to ride from southern MI to Tellico Plains, TN to ride the Cherohala Skyway. I don't want to travel south via I-75, (God, Cincinnati has become a nightmare), but would prefer 2 lanes that follow a parallel direction to I-75 heading south.

Thanks very much!
Some mapping apps have an option to stay off certain road types. Look for "avoidances" or something of that nature in the options. These are usually things like toll roads, ferries, interstates, etc... It won't route you on the "best motorcycle roads" or anything like that, but it will keep you *MOSTLY* off of the options you choose. When on the bike, I ALWAYS use the Avoid Toll Roads option... I hate having to take off my gloves to dig $1.50 out of my pocket just for the right of traveling a specific road.

If you use a motorcycle specific GPS (or app), they will sometimes have a similar option for motorcycle specific roads, but I don't know how well the motorcycle road list is kept updated.

Other than that, I typically use a combination of Google Maps and "best motorcycle rides" type lists that I can find online to create a custom route.
You can choose adventurous routing on a Garmin Zumo XT. It works ok.

Personally, it's easy to find great roads just using Google maps. :dunno
Say I want to ride from southern MI to Tellico Plains, TN to ride the Cherohala Skyway.

The fast way.

The fun way. :evil

Note, Google has it's limitations on longer trips, unless you do it a little more manually than I did. Look at this map for a good ride south of Cincinnati (which I would avoid)... takes you east of 75 on KY11 (mostly) and lands you in Tellico Plains *after* you ride both the Dragon and the Cherohala.
Can I use REVER or any other app to suggest a scenic route between two points?

Thanks very much!

Rever has a curvy road option to create a route.
The feature I use the most with Rever is the Butler Map overlays.
The Butler map overlays makes it easy to spot good motorcycle roads.
The MOA has a discount code for Rever.
Not sure if it's 25% or 33% off. It was 33% off the times I used it. https://www.bmwmoa.org/page/member_disc_public