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We do own this site....right?

I wasn't coming back, really, but was told by a friend I should read this.

Frankly I am impressed with this post. It is stated well and are similar to the complaints I posted in 2006.

It is good to know there are others here which have like feelings.

Testicular requirements aside, how can this be a fun place if (my issue) a simple G rated post of a pic creates a post deletion and PM from a mod?

The pic was the old woman in the shoe and it was not copyrighted. Yet somehow the rule which clearly states the pics (all pictures) must be taken by the poster were breached (ignorantly) yet honestly not confrontationally or controversially.

Chastised for the post and had my post deleted as I was correcting the rule breach. Are you kidding, I am not allowed to correct my own indescretions?

This rule does nothing for a family environment, nothing for an open opinion standpoint and even less to keep members on the forum.

And Kbasa, good one auto bannination! :laugh Maybe a sig line!!!!

Ha Ha!

Well damn dude we went thru all that crap because you felt I was a little hasty in my initial removal of the second post? Why didn't you just say that to begin with after I informed you of my action? If that was the cause I apologize for my somewhat enthusiastic moderation action, as for the copyright issue that was secondary, the fun is in finding and taking the pictures yourself and that's always been the main theme of the photo area, 'nuf said.

I am laughing myself silly! Yeah I know, If we keep it cryptic we might be able to keep it funny at the same time putting our feeling out there but not overtly. Man that last post cracked me up. Rocketman we are going to have to share a beverage come July 09'
I am laughing myself silly! Yeah I know, If we keep it cryptic we might be able to keep it funny at the same time putting our feeling out there but not overtly. Man that last post cracked me up. Rocketman we are going to have to share a beverage come July 09'

ha Ha! it will be my pleasure, first ones on me, see you in 09 in TN if not before. Any time you're passing thru the DC area, give me a shout.

keep safe dude, and I think I can safely speak for all of us on this forum when I say you have our gratitude and respect for putting yourself in harms way. :thumb

...and so, it all ended very well. The hairy monster came down out of his tree and turned into a jolly green giant and helped all the people of the village take care of their many concerns and everybody slept well that night.
...and so, it all ended very well. The hairy monster came down out of his tree and turned into a jolly green giant and helped all the people of the village take care of their many concerns and everybody slept well that night.

BwaaaHaaa! Good one!

Some of these last posts remind me of the old Johnny Cash Song "I walk the Line" (but I know better than to step over it!") Ha Ha!

BwaaaHaaa! Good one!

Some of these last posts remind me of the old Johnny Cash Song "I walk the Line" (but I know better than to step over it!") Ha Ha!


I keep a close watch on this post of mine
The mods have their eyes wide open all the time
My posts stay PC and never cross that line
At the MOA, we walk the line...
xp8103, my apologies for misinterpreting your remarks.

None needed my friend. But we both just pointed out how quickly and easily a seemingly innocuous post by one person could be misinterpreted by another setting the table for a very slippery slope to develop very quickly.
Speaking of Gustav, notice how this is the first significant storm to track to the Gulf since 2005???? I guess the President felt as though the money his Big Oil buddies were losing as the price of a barrel dropped was getting out of hand and decided to send a hurricane to the Gulf to stir up some good old fashioned speculation!! DAMN HIM!! :D

I wonder if School Bus has started to setup cots in the Super Dome again.....

Tank Rally

Speaking of Gustav, notice how this is the first significant storm to track to the Gulf since 2005???? I guess the President felt as though the money his Big Oil buddies were losing as the price of a barrel dropped was getting out of hand and decided to send a hurricane to the Gulf to stir up some good old fashioned speculation!! DAMN HIM!! :D

I wonder if School Bus has started to setup cots in the Super Dome again.....


If a tank rally in Georgia didn't drive up the price of oil, what's a little breeze going to do? But they're trying. I hear the powers-that-be are going to drive everybody out of N.O. That should increase gas usage and maybe help those poor speculators.

mind set determines/you make the call!

a rather innocuous picture of a hand next to a motorcycle exhaust with the index finger, middle finger and little finger straight out with the ring finger folded was pulled/ripped of this site. Why? Because somebody had a mind set that it represented something dirty.

I had no idea it represented something dirty until it was pulled and made dirty by that act of pulling it, and resulting threads that spawned by the abrupt act of authority.

Its fingers! Was this the way to handle this? Do you want to make that call?
Was there more attention to this "issue" than if it was to of died a natural death?

A picture of a young girl posed with her back to the camera, in her undies only, showing a road rash from her shoulder blades to her ankles was pulled. Not provocative, in fact in support of ATGATT. The mods pulled this as fast if she had been crooning at the camera on her back. Was this the right call?

Mods have a tough job here on the ol forum the way it is. Damn if they don't, damn if they do. Do they always make the right call? No. Do they act as the secret police and keenly observe past "offenders" for content? Probably. Is there a solution? Yes. It's called the tavern!

Should they be second guessed as to their actions? No. the site needs to modify to take the conflict out of the equation. The Tavern!

Both of the above referenced incidents were trivial. Do we have a life outside this forum? Does it really matter a hoot to anyone if a mod gets overzealous by pulling content?

If your answer is yes. It matters a great deal, I would have to say (in my opinion, of course) get a life! IT DOES NOT MATTER! If a Mod makes a decision it sticks.

I would rather err on the side of caution than lose participants who may be offended by content. But if people will be people, and if you don't want to fight this battle every day, give us a place on the forum to post the contraversial, to speak the political, the religion, and moderate it on a different level thatn the current rules of enforcement.

IF the tavern goes through, maybe we have a place to discuss/post stuff that others may wish to pass by. Without it, this site will continue to conflict with anything that may appear offensive to the general group. I have to ask the mod team- Do you really want to fight this battle every day? There is a solution, you know- called the tavern. Vote yes, and get off your high horse of "modesty for all"
In my book, being a mod is difficult inn the present forum. It's a tough job, somebody got to do it, unless we want the entire forum turning into Jo Mama. We need some moderation level that is acceptable to all. We need to grow this site to allow all to be happy with what we have. We need a place for all.

And that is Reds opinion. Haruumph!
eyes wide shut

I keep a close watch on this post of mine
The mods have their eyes wide open all the time
My posts stay PC and never cross that line
At the MOA, we walk the line...


Huh,, what???

did you say something????

Hmmmmmm, no guess I was just dreaming....

:snore :snore :snore

Mods have a tough job here on the ol forum the way it is. Damn if they don't, damn if they do. Do they always make the right call? No. Do they act as the secret police and keenly observe past "offenders" for content? Probably. Is there a solution? Yes. It's called the tavern!

Should they be second guessed as to their actions? No. the site needs to modify to take the conflict out of the equation. The Tavern!


Either you're with us or you're against us, is that it?:bolt

The new MOA's axis of evil list to be published soon!:ear

WOW how quaint....Weather vane to the lowest common denominator. I thought political separation was out?:laugh
Either you're with us or you're against us, is that it?:bolt I dont get it. Whos "us"? Who are you referring?
The new MOA's axis of evil list to be published soon!:ear

WOW how quaint....Weather vane to the lowest common denominator. I thought political separation was out?:laugh
You got me scratching my head at your sarcasam; I don't know WTH you talking about!
COuld you please elaborate so it makes some sense? I'm sort of stupid, you need to help me out!?!
a rather innocuous picture of a hand next to a motorcycle exhaust with the index finger, middle finger and little finger straight out with the ring finger folded was pulled/ripped of this site. Why? Because somebody had a mind set that it represented something dirty.

I had no idea it represented something dirty until it was pulled and made dirty by that act of pulling it, and resulting threads that spawned by the abrupt act of authority.

Its fingers! Was this the way to handle this? Do you want to make that call?
Was there more attention to this "issue" than if it was to of died a natural death?

A picture of a young girl posed with her back to the camera, in her undies only, showing a road rash from her shoulder blades to her ankles was pulled. Not provocative, in fact in support of ATGATT. The mods pulled this as fast if she had been crooning at the camera on her back. Was this the right call?

Mods have a tough job here on the ol forum the way it is. Damn if they don't, damn if they do. Do they always make the right call? No. Do they act as the secret police and keenly observe past "offenders" for content? Probably. Is there a solution? Yes. It's called the tavern!

Should they be second guessed as to their actions? No. the site needs to modify to take the conflict out of the equation. The Tavern!

Both of the above referenced incidents were trivial. Do we have a life outside this forum? Does it really matter a hoot to anyone if a mod gets overzealous by pulling content?

If your answer is yes. It matters a great deal, I would have to say (in my opinion, of course) get a life! IT DOES NOT MATTER! If a Mod makes a decision it sticks.

I would rather err on the side of caution than lose participants who may be offended by content. But if people will be people, and if you don't want to fight this battle every day, give us a place on the forum to post the contraversial, to speak the political, the religion, and moderate it on a different level thatn the current rules of enforcement.

IF the tavern goes through, maybe we have a place to discuss/post stuff that others may wish to pass by. Without it, this site will continue to conflict with anything that may appear offensive to the general group. I have to ask the mod team- Do you really want to fight this battle every day? There is a solution, you know- called the tavern. Vote yes, and get off your high horse of "modesty for all"
In my book, being a mod is difficult inn the present forum. It's a tough job, somebody got to do it, unless we want the entire forum turning into Jo Mama. We need some moderation level that is acceptable to all. We need to grow this site to allow all to be happy with what we have. We need a place for all.

And that is Reds opinion. Haruumph!

And yet we continue to be beat on for past actions, and actions that I'd have to say are somewhat misrepresented in your post i.e. look up the meaning of the finger image and tell me honestly it is something you would quote any and all members of your family or strangers on the street.

No wait, perhaps you would, but there are many here that would not, and its the "many" that the mod team has to consider.

And pictures in the vain of the roadrash image were not in the view of a number of the members of any value in promoting ATGATT. Again its the "many" we must consider.

Beating on the mods is NOT the way to get action, please try letting the past remain in the past and we can start fresh, keep rehashing old events and we wind up going in endless circles. Take your pick.

Eyes wide shut?

Here I thought you were the all-seeing Oz of the MOA forum. May I suggest you modify your avatar to reflect this isn't the case? :stick


Perhaps that is my blind eye (as a result of running with scissors?) But then, that would be telling....:lol

No wait, perhaps you would, but there are many here that would not, and its the "many" that the mod team has to considerRM
#1. Dont question my family valus, R. I bring these up as shining examples of incidents that have occurred. Trying to shame me into submission is a passive aggressive way of dealing with the issue at hand

Beating on the mods is NOT the way to get action, please try letting the past remain in the past
uh oh...that sounds like a directive from somebody FROM the past. Don't discuss prior inconsistancy in policy. or else...

And I thought I was supporting the Mod team!? Imagine what would occur if I chose to discuss/ attack!? Would I too be banned? You are WAY too defensive here. Look, all I am saying is that there is a place for discussion of these types of posts; NOT on the regualr forum, the Mods were correct in these decisions, and should not be second guessed. What I am saying (by example) is that people will be people, and if you want to NOT deal with things like this, then provide a place for things like this.

I wont comment any more, because I am up against you, and you sir, whomever you are are a brick wall. No discussions, no dialoge with the membership.

ADV is sounding better and better with this kind of attitude.

#1. Dont question my family valus, R. I bring these up as shining examples of incidents that have occurred. Trying to shame me into submission is a passive aggressive way of dealing with the issue at hand

uh oh...that sounds like a directive from somebody FROM the past. Don't discuss prior inconsistancy in policy. or else...

And I thought I was supporting the Mod team!? Imagine what would occur if I chose to discuss/ attack!? Would I too be banned? You are WAY too defensive here. Look, all I am saying is that there is a place for discussion of these types of posts; NOT on the regualr forum, the Mods were correct in these decisions, and should not be second guessed. What I am saying (by example) is that people will be people, and if you want to NOT deal with things like this, then provide a place for things like this.

I wont comment any more, because I am up against you, and you sir, whomever you are are a brick wall. No discussions, no dialoge with the membership.

ADV is sounding better and better with this kind of attitude.


From my standpoint, things are different now than they were then. The current proposal was put together from "lessons learned" so we hopefully don't have similar problems that we had in the past. While we can acknowledge what happened (and hopefully learn from it) what has happened can't be changed, and I don't see constructive dialog coming from bringing it back up. Just my opinion.

In this case, it appears everyone is getting a bit overly defensive. This looks more like a personal issue than a forum issue, and having personal arguments (which this appears to be more than a "debate") isn't getting anyone anywhere.

No need for anyone to blow into this thread like Gustav and rain on our parade. I Haiti it when that happens... Jamaican me crazy. :p
From my standpoint, things are different now than they were then. The current proposal was put together from "lessons learned" so we hopefully don't have similar problems that we had in the past. While we can acknowledge what happened (and hopefully learn from it) what has happened can't be changed, and I don't see constructive dialog coming from bringing it back up. Just my opinion.

In this case, it appears everyone is getting a bit overly defensive. This looks more like a personal issue than a forum issue, and having personal arguments (which this appears to be more than a "debate") isn't getting anyone anywhere.

No need for anyone to blow into this thread like Gustav and rain on our parade. I Haiti it when that happens... Jamaican me crazy. :p

JD, I will step out as fast as I stepped in; Obviously my reputation proceeds me and anomosity follows..
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