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Tires-a simple question not another tire thread



A friend of mine just gave a very useable set of Metzler Karoo tires. The sizes are 110/80R19 and 150/70R17. I calculate that rear is .08" taller and .79" wider than my stock Tourance (130/80R17) and the front is .16" shorter and .39" wider than my front Tourance (100/90R19). My guess is that these are 1200 GS tires but I'm not sure. They are really close in rolling diameter and free is very tough to beat. They probably have 2000 miles left on them and my wife's '07 F650GS needs tires badly. So, I'm thinking Tourances to her bike and Karoos on my G650 XCountry. I'm also thinking that knobbies would get me into the mountains earlier in the spring because of the mud. Any thoughts?
A friend of mine just gave a very useable set of Metzler Karoo tires. The sizes are 110/80R19 and 150/70R17. I calculate that rear is .08" taller and .79" wider than my stock Tourance (130/80R17) and the front is .16" shorter and .39" wider than my front Tourance (100/90R19). My guess is that these are 1200 GS tires but I'm not sure. They are really close in rolling diameter and free is very tough to beat. They probably have 2000 miles left on them and my wife's '07 F650GS needs tires badly. So, I'm thinking Tourances to her bike and Karoos on my G650 XCountry. I'm also thinking that knobbies would get me into the mountains earlier in the spring because of the mud. Any thoughts?

Since the time frame has lapsed, I am not sure if you found your answer.

I am not sure if you have visited The Chain Gang.. if not, there is wealth of information on the site. www.f650.com