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Then And Now

When my mom, aunts, uncles and Gramma taught, their class size was usually low 20s, especially for young kids. 50s and 60s in Michigan schools.
Retired teacher here...30 years and I will tell you this is exactly the truth, except you can put the Principal in with the mom, dad, and student scolding the teacher. SPP

My son's is a freshman now in high school, and he's had his fair share of bad teachers that should have been fired. But, that's for another time and another place. To be fair, he's had more good teachers than bad. I don't think that's changed over time.
Front Yard Decorations, (not Holiday)

Then: Pick up the lawn, no bicycles, toys or tools etc. That looks trashy.
Now: Old bicycles, wooden barrels, and wheels are leaned against the fence, or even placed on posts here in the midwest.

Winter slow riding allows for sightseeing!
Then- School Is OUT!!! :groovy :dance :bliss

Now- parents are seeking help in the transition for their children’s summer off. :hungover
Electric car then…


Electric car today….


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