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even though i hate the looks of the bike it's neat to see that Victory up there too.

My brother just bought one so I have to be nicer about them...I thought it was an RT on steroids pulling up behind me! Heavier than a LT or a Wing I believe
My brother just bought one so I have to be nicer about them...I thought it was an RT on steroids pulling up behind me! Heavier than a LT or a Wing I believe

I listened to a Victory rep talk about the bike at the last Houston bike show and he described a very extensive testing process they employ to ensure the engine is durable -- he said the process killed the HD motors they were testing against -- but the Victory motor ran and ran.

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Dave Biasotti FD Repair Update

From FJR Forum Cal24Master:

I have a couple of updates. Dave Biasotti is happily underway. He contacted Bob this morning about his leaking new rear drive. Bob suggested he check the O ring seal for the ABS sensor. We tried to look at it in parking lot this morning, but BMW in it's usual wisdom uses a torx head screw to secure the sensor and neither Dave or I had one. He then left the hotel and went to a auto parts dealer, got the correct torx wrench, removed the sensor and found that the O ring was not damaged, it just simply was not there. He got a O ring that worked, put it back and reported back that it was no longer leaking.


Cal24Master over at the FJR forum has some interesting comments illustrating the compounding effects of rider exhaustion in the case of one of the riders....and there are some new photo links.
its just been reported that the other FJR rider went down hard in some gravel. he has a broken collar bone, but is going to take his time and ride home. these are some hard core riders...:thumb
Joel Rappoport, the Airhead R60 (now 75) rider is actually at risk of a DNF again this year. He lost some time and therefore points in the second leg when his right saddlebag fell off, and then his footpeg/sidestand apparently fell off. The AAA guy with the welding unit took some time and cost Joel more points. Entering leg 3, Joel needed to make up about 1000 points lost during leg 2 while tacking on about 40,000 new points during the final leg 3. This is in the realm of doable so long as Joel's health, the bike and the weather hold out in whatever parts of the country Joel has elected to ride for points. See bonus point location map above. This will be a close call. We'll just have to wait for some further word on how he's doing.
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its just been reported that the other FJR rider went down hard in some gravel. he has a broken collar bone, but is going to take his time and ride home. these are some hard core riders...:thumb

Yes, they are hard core riders. Scott LaShier riding a Honda ST1300 had tire trouble and wrecked in the median of I-40 around Las Vegas. He broke his pelvis and has 2 collapsed lungs.

Ralph Sims
An Update from the Medical Centers
Scott LaShier is more banged up than we had hoped. He suffered a broken pelvis and two collapsed lungs when his ST1300 went down in the median of I-40 yesterday after an apparent tire failure. The good news is that Scott has no head or spinal injuries and a full recovery is anticipated.

Just finishing this event is a tribute!