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I don't yet have a complete understanding of whose what broke when but am working on it. I do know that by conventional wisdom the most catastrophic BMW failure did not result in a DNF. Australian Margaret Peart's GS ate an exhaust valve resulting in "some loud banging." The bike arrived at the dealership in Grand Junction, Colorado. Needed parts were overnighted to the dealership and the bike was soon back on the road and in the rally. Despite a significant loss of time (36 hours) Margaret was a finisher.

Having a good plan B is always helpful.
I don't yet have a complete understanding of whose what broke when but am working on it. I do know that by conventional wisdom the most catastrophic BMW failure did not result in a DNF. Australian Margaret Peart's GS ate an exhaust valve resulting in "some loud banging." The bike arrived at the dealership in Grand Junction, Colorado. Needed parts were overnighted to the dealership and the bike was soon back on the road and in the rally. Despite a significant loss of time (36 hours) Margaret was a finisher.

Having a good plan B is always helpful.

Thanks, Paul. I'm certain that there are many interested members who would like to know how many and what kind of mechanical issues caused the BMW DNFs.
What could be of special interest would be "What went right" with the BMW's that did finish. What kind of maintenance do these bikes get. Are there special items (fluids, tires etc) that can go the distance.

I would like to add a special thanks to TexanRT and Voni for putting up the slide-shows I found them very well done.


From what I learned of Davo, he was a dedicated friend and beloved family man who lived life full-tilt forward. My condolences to his family, friends, and fellow riders.

Davo video: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hazelwoodgarage/3862811721/

From Davo's website......


I have known Davo from other forums for the past few years, Last year in a trip to Australia, Davo took out time from his business to ride with us a couple days. he arranged for a meeting with some of his FarRiders and for a dinner one night. Davo introduced Australians to LD riding and was highly respected by his Aussies friends. He was so excited to be a part of this year IBR 09 and to meet so many American friends that he had exchanged messages with via internet forums and email. Davo never met a stranger and alway took time to welcome new riders to the world of LD riding.

Davo was a rider's rider and his love for long distance riding was unmatched by anyone I have every met.

My prayers are with his wife Willow, his daughters and son.

"It just a road"

Rest In Peace my friend
Cool map with all the IBR bonus locations plotted

Found this link on the FJR forum -- somebody created maps identifying the routes and bonuses for each of the top 10 finishers -- here's a link to Jim Owen's run:


Here's a color-coded map of the bonus locations for each leg with descriptions.


A link to the FJR forum thread where the remainder of the maps can be found:

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