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Final Drive Failure

We have lost another Beemer from the IBA Rally. Today a 1150 RT had a Final drive Failure in Colorado. the owner is in the process of having it towed, for a possible repair. wish him luck.....
Update at FJR forum

3rd hand news -- from the FJR forum which was from the LDrider forum....

Joel Rapaport had his sidestand/foot peg issues last nite. Today he was just
into Texas on I-20 and his left saddle bag fell off. Luckily he has these
huge rear brake lites mounted in the rear of each bag and has some good
sized wire that must have held the bag to the bike. A car was honking at him
and pointing at the back of his bike, he looked over his shoulder and said
"Holy SH*!". So what does he do, he stops and calls me :).. I say, get out
the damn duct tape, wire and rope and tie the sucker back on. I checked back
with him a few hours later and he had some spare nuts and bolts and big
washers so he managed to get the bag remounted safely and on his way. The ol
R60 is purring along fine and Joel is taking it all in stride and feeling
very positive.

There's more recent information about various mechanical issues at the FJR forum linked here:

Repairs under way

The Inevitable Has Finally Happened
It’s a surprise only because we had to wait this long; the first BMW final drive failure has stranded Dave Biasotti in Colorado. Dave’s R1150RT is parked in a puddle of final drive lubricant. It’s another in a long line of “isolated” incidents that BMW of North America has never acknowledged to be a problem. Dave is probably out of the rally unless he can get a new final drive installed by the end of the day. Fortunately, a nearby dealer had a final drive in stock, unlike the closest dealer to Checkpoint 2, who doesn’t stock spare final drives because “they never fail.” -- from the day 6 report

News From the FJR forum -- More info from LDRider list via Dan "Maprider"'s recent post"

"Left David in the capable hands of Matt Parkhouse about 45 minutes ago. Matt's an excellent mechanic but can be easily distracted so I thought it best to get out of the way and let him do his work. Chris was waiting for us with the final drive when we arrived -- he beat us by 15 minutes as we needed to stop by my garage for a few extra RT parts that my BOSS so graciously donated to Dave.......

UPDATE (From FJR) Dave's RT was buttoned up shortly before 9 p.m. with a new rear drive. Matt's shop was filled, so we (primarily Matt) swapped drives on the patio. And eventually in the rain. Yes, it sounds like a country song. Dave's plan was to catch a few hours sleep at Matt's house, then collect some more Colorado bonii and get to Santa Ana.

Here is a picture of of Dave supervising the repair:


Here's a look at the drain plug (there are a few other related photos at the FJR forum regarding Dave's repair):

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AND, it was reported that AAA sent a welder to Joel rappapoirt and he's rolling again! Can't keep a good guy down!

Great news!!! but I think I would have thrown a piece of cardboard or something down first. that patio could be hell on the knees. or maybe I'm getting soft in my old age. LOL...
Thanks for taking the time to prepare and post.

Good stuff.

You're welcome. I've been monitoring the FJR forum for what rally information I can get and posting it here. I intended to be at the rally start or at one of the check points -- but schedules didn't permit -- so I'm getting what news I can through those who are there. :)
There are more pictures at the FJR forum of stage 2 arrivals -- among them were these shots....


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IBA Rally update

Ok everyone here's the top ten after checkpoint 2 in Calif.

1. Jeff Earls K1200GT
2. Jim Owen R1200RT
3. Eric Jewell ST 1300
4. Andy Mills Victory Vision
5. Roger Sinclair Concours 14
6. Matt Watkins FJR 1300
7. Chris Sakala R1200RT
8. Ken Meese K1200GT
9. Michael Evans FJR 1300
10. Bob Lilley K1200LT

Ok everyone here's the top ten after checkpoint 2 in Calif.

1. Jeff Earls K1200GT
2. Jim Owen R1200RT
3. Eric Jewell ST 1300
4. Andy Mills Victory Vision
5. Roger Sinclair Concours 14
6. Matt Watkins FJR 1300
7. Chris Sakala R1200RT
8. Ken Meese K1200GT
9. Michael Evans FJR 1300
10. Bob Lilley K1200LT


Where are the WINGS?!? :dunno
even though i hate the looks of the bike it's neat to see that Victory up there too.
I agree, good to see the Victory there. I actually appreciate the looks of the Victory Vision , if nothing else, for it's unique styling. Good to see something truly new in the styling department. Of course, the Edsel had a unique look as well. Hope BMW does very well here and of course that means the riders can rejoice.