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The hoof is on the other...

It crossed my mind, but I through out the probability of that as quite low. Last time I looked, and it's been a while pig you can hunt with a pistol, for deer, the season is defined by the weapon, and I've never been to a state that had a pistol season for deer. And I've hunted a lot a deer in my day. I'm not saying it's not possible, but killing a Wiley buck with a pistol dressed in motorcycle gear seems a little far fetched too. My guess is the road kill option seems most plausible. One other possibility comes to mind, and that is the bike and a chase vehicle on a hunting trip and the decision to just strap it to the bike for whatever reason.

Deer may be taken with handguns, rifles,crossbows, bows and arrows, shotguns, and muzzle loading firearms, including black powder handguns. It is legal to hunt deer north of the limited firearm deer zone with any caliber of firearm except a .22 caliber or smaller.
A conventional (smokeless powder) handgun must be .35 caliber or larger and loaded with straight-walled cartridges and may be single or multiple-shot, but can not exceed a maximum capacity of nine rounds in the barrel and magazine combined.
Deer may be taken with handguns, rifles,crossbows, bows and arrows, shotguns, and muzzle loading firearms, including black powder handguns. It is legal to hunt deer north of the limited firearm deer zone with any caliber of firearm except a .22 caliber or smaller.
A conventional (smokeless powder) handgun must be .35 caliber or larger and loaded with straight-walled cartridges and may be single or multiple-shot, but can not exceed a maximum capacity of nine rounds in the barrel and magazine combined.

Well there you go... The guy from MA schooling the guy from AL on the AL deer hunting rules. Thankyou kind sir.
School is in.
Alabama hunting rules.
Rifles using center fire, mushrooming ammunition.
Air powered guns, .30 caliber or larger.
Shotguns, 10 gauge or smaller using buckshot, slugs, or round ball.
Muzzleloaders and black powder handguns: .40 caliber or larger, during special muzzleloader season.
Long bows, compound bows, or cross bows in conformance with regulation 220-2-.03.
Handguns or pistols using center fire mushrooming ammunition.
Fully automatic firearms is prohibited.
Hand thrown spear in conformance with regulation 220-2-.03.
Same as above, but no crossbow and handgun must have open metallic sights (no scopes).
Other game birds or animals:
You can use all the above and blowguns and slingshots.
Class dismissed. :nra