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subtle noise, looking for opinions.


New member
Hi, on my 2002 RT I've been noticing a noise that comes and goes for a couple thousand miles.
The first time I heard it was on a long trip so I became very concerned but then the noise seemed to dissipate and then return after the bike has been ridden an hour or more.
The noise follows the engine speed, sounds like a SSSHH, as if a piece of metal is laying on a turning part. My guess is an alternator bearing or some accessory drive bearing starting to poke out it's ugly little head, but the noise is subtle and I was waiting for it to get worse or for something to break.
It's been the same for a couple months, but now I need to store the bike and if it needs to be torn apart I would like to diagnose it before winter so I know where I'm headed with it. I may pull the front cover and see if I can locate the noise with a stethoscope. Looking for advice by some oilhead gurus:wave .
thanks in advance:clap
Does it make the noise in neutral reving it up? Does it do it downhill with the clutch pulled in? Downhill in neutral clutch out? Are all the fluids full up? I would try and see if it is engine or trans/drive noise. My 2 cents. At least it's a start.
it makes the noise in neutral, is there when you rev it up or let it idle,
seems to follow the engine speed as you shift up from a stop, cannot hear it over the road noise above above 25 mph or so.
It sounds like it's coming from the engine area when I am off the bike.
I feel it's in the front of the engine.
haven't tried the clutch in or out test, will try that when it stops raining.
just not sure!