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Spark plugs (again) - Dual Spark R1100s


Left Coast Rider
Attention gurus:

I believe the Autolite 3923 is the replacement plug of choice for the dual-electrode plug on the R1100S. Which plug do I need in the lower position?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.
It's touted as a replacement on the single-spark versions.

Are you sure the twin sparklers use the same main plug?

In any event, the autolite is suggested as a surging fix--dual plugs is the surging fix on those models.
Hmm, I thought the 1100's used the 3922 (single spark), one range hotter ... can't speak for the dual-plugged 1100's.
For my 1150's lower plug, I use the NGK DCPR6E (part # 3481), or the iridium version DCPR6-EIX (part # 8196).
The S has a hotter intake cam and higher compression, so this may not be valid for you.
The NGK site only calls out the BKR7EKC-N (p/n 2095) for the 1100S, no 2nd spark callout there, and this cross-references back to the 3923 on the Autolite site.
Thanks guys. The bike runs fine, I'm just looking for a cheaper replacement plug.

I appreciate the input. :thumb
"The cheapest part of any vehicle is the nut that holds the wheel."

Per the MAX fiche: Bosch plug number YR6LDE... Just cross-reference that to the other manufacturers.
Autolite calls out the their 4164 as the replacement.
For the lower plug the stock heat range wasn't hot enough for me so I went with a DCPR6E, others have used a DCPR6EIX. Stock lower plug is DCPR8EKC.

For the center plug the Bosch YR6LDE works fine.
I just spent $14.00 (CDN, including tax :dance) for 2 - Autolite 3923 and 2 - Autolite 4164 which are the replacements for NGK BKR7EKC-N and the Bosch YR6LDE, respectively.

If I run into issues, I will report back.
The Autolite 4164, if memory serves me correctly, needs an 11/16" socket, that had to be ground thin for the 3/4" near the cylinder head.
I've never used the 4164; but I agree that the NGK "6" heat range gives me a better-lookin' plug than than the "8".