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Tutum amicum
Everywhere you travel, you see at least one traffic sign that leaves you saying "What the Hell?" This one is in Norco CA. It's on a semi-rural road. About 50 feet beyond the sign is a traffic island, which is maybe 15-20 feet long. And that's it!

What different, confusing or just plain weird traffic signs have you seen?


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<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/VV9baH22KVfJzfSn6Y2MpA?authkey=a2a6JL3Pjc0"><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/recummins/SMUu0AxNEMI/AAAAAAAACp4/RBVkqDToWzM/s400/DSC_00170198.JPG" /></a>
What we all hate to see at the end of a long road with no alternatives. Bear Tooth pass after the highway washed out.

One of my favorite signs. My wife and I took this on a vacation in the Everglades last year. It was a long, difficult climb of almost twenty minutes on a straight road to get there. How some road engineer managed to get a road to the summit with no curves or switchbacks still amazes me. Strangely, there was no temperature change at the summit and we didn't feel the thinner air like we have at other passes.


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Beaver Creek, YT

At the General Store. An accurate sign.


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One of my favorite signs. My wife and I took this on a vacation in the Everglades last year. It was a long, difficult climb of almost twenty minutes on a straight road to get there. How some road engineer managed to get a road to the summit with no curves or switchbacks still amazes me. Strangely, there was no temperature change at the summit and we didn't feel the thinner air like we have at other passes.

When my wife and I visited the Everglades (no bikes, alas), she had to visit the Orchid Jungle, which is the largest orchid propogator in the country. They have a large piece of land and there's a walking trail with orchids on display here and there, and little signs pointing to them and giving various details.

Naturally, she had to stop at each and check it out thoroughly, so I strolled ahead. There was a small rise with a bench, and there was another sign there. I figured it was pointing at another orchid.

But instead, the sign read: "Welcome to Mt. Dade. Highest Point in Dade County. Elevation 18 Feet." The bench was so that you could get your breath back.

Alas, I have no pictures of that.