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S1000XR - excessive heat on the lower legs and feet?


New member
Hi All,

Just picked up a 2020 S1000xr. It is a lot of fun to ride! My only complaint - the heat on my ankles and shins... is this a thing with this bike? I've been riding a Kawasaki Concours for a long time now, and this really surprised me (the heat). Is this normal?

Looking for a list of best accessories and upgrades... :)


The complete guide to group motorcycle riding
How tall are your boots and how thick are the shins in your riding gear? Those could possibly be your first accessories! :ha
LOL - No, that's not a good answer! :) I live in South Florida. With tall boots it is fine, when it is cooler out.
It was 89 degrees today. I was wearing Alpine Stars Air low riding boots, and short socks, and it was hot rolling the neighborhood around at 35-55mph. Enough that I consider this to be a potential problem.

I like this bike a lot, but I need to figure this out. Is this normal for this bike? I never had a naked bike before, which is why I'm asking.

I'm using Engine Ice in the radiator on my Concours and it really makes a difference. I'm a "bar" or so lower all the time when comparing to my friend's Concours, so I know it makes a difference, and I don't feel heat at all on that bike. (It is not naked, of course). I wonder if that would help and make any difference on the XR?
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Don't know about the S1000, but a K1100LT I had was a leg roaster so I sold it. No issue at all with my R1100RT.
I have two XRs (an 18 and a 21) and have never noticed any excessive heat. That being said, I don't ride in jeans, short socks or riding shoes/hightops so it has never been an issue. I recall a couple of guys mentioning heat from the left side around ankle height, but can't remember what they were wearing. You might try asking over on the XR forum as it gets a lot more XR specific traffic than this board. As with anything, most of this is relative. I had an early model Panigale that would absolutely roast me from the waist down and leave heat rashes if I ever got stuck in slow moving traffic for too long so by comparison the XR is an icebox.
I have two XRs (an 18 and a 21) and have never noticed any excessive heat. That being said, I don't ride in jeans, short socks or riding shoes/hightops so it has never been an issue. I recall a couple of guys mentioning heat from the left side around ankle height, but can't remember what they were wearing. You might try asking over on the XR forum as it gets a lot more XR specific traffic than this board. As with anything, most of this is relative. I had an early model Panigale that would absolutely roast me from the waist down and leave heat rashes if I ever got stuck in slow moving traffic for too long so by comparison the XR is an icebox.

Really silly question: Can you post a link to the XR forum?

BTW, I'm only feeling it on the right side mostly. I know it is from the catalytic converter. I use Alpine Stars SMX1's - low cut, but real riding boots. They let the air in, now it is "hot air". Yesterday was 90 degrees, and I was feeling it. I have switched to tall tube-socks and that really helps... this is not a deal-breaker, but I'd like to solve the problem. Thinking about doing a fiberglass wrap around the converter box...

Really silly question: Can you post a link to the XR forum?

BTW, I'm only feeling it on the right side mostly. I know it is from the catalytic converter. I use Alpine Stars SMX1's - low cut, but real riding boots. They let the air in, now it is "hot air". Yesterday was 90 degrees, and I was feeling it. I have switched to tall tube-socks and that really helps... this is not a deal-breaker, but I'd like to solve the problem. Thinking about doing a fiberglass wrap around the converter box...


I'm new to this forum and to MOA so if this isn't allowed (linking to another forum) please accept my apologies.


Another thing that might help, although I have not done it myself, is dumping the bread box and going with aftermarket headers. The folks over on the XR forum will prob be able to give you some solid options/answers.
I had experienced similar problems with the heat from my 2019 S1000XR, especially during our Florida summers. I just had a Bren Tune stage ! installed and my engine temps have dropped as much as 20 degrees F. During an 80 mile ride today in 84 degree heat, my temps were around 185 and at stop lights it never got over 198 which is a huge improvement for me. Prior to the tune it would have been 203 to 218 in similar circumstances. I've only had the tune for a week so these are preliminary results but your gen 2 might have similar results.
2023 S1000 XR heat

Have noticed excessive heat around right ankle shin, Ron hot weather while wearing low ankle high riding boots and mesh riding pants. I’ve found wearing high boots to help. In cool weather, no problem noticed wearing transit leathers
2023 S1000 XR heat

Have noticed excessive heat around right ankle shin, Ron hot weather while wearing low ankle high riding boots and mesh riding pants. I’ve found wearing high boots to help. In cool weather, no problem noticed wearing transit leathers
WHY.....WHY in 2024 is leg burning heat a problem???
Dear BMW, WTF??? You have been building motorcycles for 101 years!!!!! STILL can't figure out that riders don't like being overheated when riding?????????
Don't know about the S1000, but a K1100LT I had was a leg roaster so I sold it. No issue at all with my R1100RT.
Briefly owned a K1100RS. It was the most abusively HOT motorcycle I ever owned. Stupid engineering here; In 101 years, one would have THOUGHT that BMW would have figured out that riders do not like to be uncomfortably hot
I don't feel any excessive heat from mine (2022). I have a full exhaust and Brentune though, that may factor in, richer fueling and no cat to get to "center of the sun" temperatures under the bike.