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Post a picture of your R18

Obligatory dealership delivery photo. 850CB7EF-4427-40CA-99C8-713B2F425018.jpg

And of course now tucked into garage after playing Tetris to fit 2 vehicles, 2 motorcycles and all the junk that accumulates in a garage after 20 years

Just picked her last Friday. I love the ride. A much different and more comfortable ride than my previous 2016 K1600GT.


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Here is my R18 Classic I got in mid December. In this shot I’d just removed the saddlebags. I like this bike can be converted to a base R18 rather quickly. Windshield is staying on for the winter riding, but likely comes off in the summer to get some more airflow.
ready for Americade 2022 in Lake George NY next week

2022 R18 Transcontinental First Edition