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Tank Grips and Pads for R1200RT?


Has anyone tried these tank pads/grips/stickers?

Just wondering how they look on the bike, and if they provide any grip? I currently have the TechSpec tank grips, but they've lost their grip, they turn my riding gear black, and I think they're ugly. I don't think I need a tank protector up the middle, but I'd like some decent-looking and fairly grippy pads on the sides. And I don't want to pay Wunderlich prices (not that I care for their solution anyway).

Any other recommendations with pictures?
Reach out to these guys. I wanted tank pads for the side of my Austin Yellow 1250RS tank and they worked with me and custom made a set for my tank. Excellent product, durability and price too. They're very accommodating. Ask even if you don't see what you need on the website.