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Post a Picture of Your K16


Honey Badger
Please use this thread to post your picture of your K16

Remember if there is no picture it didn't happen!!
Despite the fact that I hate this picture of me, here we are ready for our first ride together:


- Kate
If that's your street, looks like a fairly modest neighborhood for such a spendy scooter.

Let's see, I have a 2005 R1200RT and an '06GS, together they add up to about the K16's value. I live in West Cleveland, guess I think like you. My bikes = 1/5 or so the tax value of my home.... go figure....

Looks nice, exactly what I'd get, if I were gettin'.
I owned a K1200GT ('08), did not like it.
Curious to hear your evaluation.

Very nice, Kate.

Is there any grey in what is called "light grey metallic?" It looks mostly white in pictures and yet to see one in the flesh.
Well, the GT cost more than my car did, but that seems appropriate to me. The picture is on the sidewalk beside my house. The houses in this neighborhood are modest but well cared for. I guess it all depends on what you want to spend your money.

This bike is the "light grey metallic". Sometimes it looks almost white, sometimes kind of silver, and often sort of a putty grey, depending on the light.

- Kate
How did you get it up on the center stand?

:scratch The usual way.

It goes onto the centerstand pretty smoothly. I can even do it with soft-soled shoes. Getting it off the center stand takes a little more effort than my RT did, though. :rolleyes

- Kate
Nice job Kate, cool that you are out riding a new bike in the rain. It angers me when some stranger questions my priorities, you answered very gracefully and that is to be admired! My thinking is if I can't ride it or shoot it I ain't spendin' money on it! My neighbor across the road has a house worth twice what mine is and he spends every waking moment at work to pay for it and the rest of his time working on it to keep it up. He gives me the finger when I pull out for a ride-he freely admits the jealousy!
Nice job Kate, cool that you are out riding a new bike in the rain. It angers me when some stranger questions my priorities, you answered very gracefully and that is to be admired! My thinking is if I can't ride it or shoot it I ain't spendin' money on it! My neighbor across the road has a house worth twice what mine is and he spends every waking moment at work to pay for it and the rest of his time working on it to keep it up. He gives me the finger when I pull out for a ride-he freely admits the jealousy!

What I was attempting to confess, is that evidently, I have the same priorities. As a ratio, home value to bike value, perhaps even more so.

Since there not much pic action going on..

I did get a chance to test ride a K16GTL here in Cleveland.
My quick thoughts are... that is one smooth powerfull engine. Combined with the fly by wire throttle it almost feels like an electric motorcycle.

I felt very comfortable controling the bike. Very good footing combined with a very light feel for a 700lb+ m/c, even in city stop and go.

Very comfy overall... Never owned a big luxo tourer but I was quickly tooling right down the highway. Settled right in.

I did not like the high part in the middle of the windscreen. Too much in the way for me. I'd bet that the GT screen, a Cee Bailey , Aeroflow or something with a flip at the top would be excellent.

The transmisssion, well, I'll keep it positive by saying that I would need to find the proper shifting/clutch/throttle technique. It did not come naturally to me.
Some clunking was often apparent

Now, lets see some more K16 pics please.

My1600 gt

Picked mine up June 2, 2011, from BMW Cross Country and have been enjoying every chance I get to ride on it. A wonderful machine!


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Hey, let's see a RED one here!

Great looking bikes. Can't wait to get mine (GT also), but it'll be a while being #1016 on the pre order.

And me with more time on my hands since I retired today. :clap

Good thing I still I have my '06 R1200GS to ride or it would be a long summer, even here in the frozen tundra.....:bottle
I love my Gisele, what a beautiful Fraulein she is; Mein Schatzie Gisele es sehr gut!

Hey, let's see a RED one here!

Great looking bikes. Can't wait to get mine (GT also), but it'll be a while being #1016 on the pre order.

And me with more time on my hands since I retired today. :clap

Good thing I still I have my '06 R1200GS to ride or it would be a long summer, even here in the frozen tundra.....:bottle

My Fellow BMW MOA and AZ Beemers Club #89 Forum Friends, I'd like to introduce you to my newest Fraulein: Gisele Bundchen; a 2012 BMW K1600GT. She has every available option and she's mine!


Mi Sobrino (my Nephew) Enrique "Henry" Garza test rode Gisele for his Tio Chuy to compare her to his K16GT. He said Gisele was tight and right, so a deal was struck!


Enrique's K16GT moto and mine are twins. Many thanks also to SkooterG and JetGrl-Eileen for their close support and excellent advice in helping me with the purchase.

Alaska here we come in 2012, after we ride to Acapulco, Mexico this Winter! Arriba!!

A closer side shot view of Gisele.

Very nice.

Mine is supposed to hit the east coast wharehouse TODAY! Who knows how long to get on a truck and to the dealer.......

Much earlier than expected and hopefully arrive here in time for a scheduled trip in mid-August.

Right hand pics of Gisele, 2012

BB had complained I'd not posted right hand photos of Gisele. *Here's my beautiful BMW Sweetie!


Pic of "UBER" Bike....

On the Lake Superior tour - in Houghton MI

Simply can't say enough about the bike... other than I wish i could get engine guards and highway pegs... but it's worth the wait.


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