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Plastic Cover Removal on a 2009 KGT 1300

The three along the bottom, note the different sizes and where they belong


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Removal detail - shown is the same post set up as on the left side.

Remove the panel - set aside.

The tank plastics are next.


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Side Tank Plastics

The next section is the plastic covering the tank.

There are 2 side panels (L and R) for the tank and one top tank cover.

Again there are various size screws which are identified.

Starting by the seat area (on the left) and working to the front:


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The last one up front by the Instument panel area


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Now pull down on the panel - as you will note there are 3 latch contact areas to be aware and insure they are detached to remove.


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To remove the right side tank panel - do the same starting from the seat area and working forward.


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Now pull down onthe tank side panel being aware of the locking features noted in the left side panel


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    Removal of right side tank panel.jpg
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Top Tank Plastic

The next step is the removal of the top tank cover piece.

The screws here are all the same length

Starting from the left front this time remove the screw as shown


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Remove the ones under the battery tray cover


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Working your way from the front right side remove the screw shown


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Now you are ready to pull up and off with the tank cover.

NOTE! - there are a group of mating posts around the tank fill area that you should be aware of before just pulling off - they will provide some resistance so gently pull up until they let go and set the panel aside.


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At this point with the top and side plastics removed you have access to all the engine and engine related peripherals

Left side


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    Left Side - Nacelle Cropped.jpg
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