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Photography Links of Interest

If you are a fan of historic photography, you gotta check out this guy, Quinn Jacobson:

For getting good pics to begin with, there is nothing, nothing, more important that learning the principles of composition, or what they used to call 'design.'
Here's a start:
But if you really want to learn about composition (and you should), the best book on the subject, IMHO, is Michael Freeman's The Photographer's Eye. Excellent book.

Plan your shoots:

Harold Davis, a Bay Area photog with lots of books, does great tuts, and workshops in the Bay Area, for very little $$

And for post processing your digital captures:

Russell Brown, the doctor of all things Adobe Photoshop has this to offer:

George Jardine, Lightroom, Photoshop

Tim Grey, Lightroom, Photoshop

And you could spend years just learning from Adobe's own Julieanne Kost:

Munchy: These are some really great links. I had one or two of them, but these are great resources. My son is just getting into photography and really enjoyed the 10 tips on composition. Thanks.
It's not mine but, I wish it were.


interesting website. I joined up. Different from Motorcycle *forums*, in that you cannot upload IMG files from a host site. Seems it's not really a forum at all- but simply a place to post BikePics. Can't see any sort of place to chit chat or interact with other member/posters. Haven't yet spent too much time there but did set up a profile and posted a couple images under my typical moniker- Ricochetrider.

After I posted this pic:


I realised I could have maybe posted it under "Triumph", or "BSA" as there are brand specific pages. So what I did was go back to edit the description, adding hashtags for both brands as well as a couple other hashtags. Not sure if this is effective on bikepics.com but will see. the above pic is listed under my name and includes the caption o the display page for Today's pics "Ricochetrider BMW R100RS". (!!) Seems my having posted it lists not only my name (posted by) but also the one and only bike I've listed (and added pix of) in my profile.

NOTE: most of the bikes I've seen at first glance are sport bikes and/or super motos.