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New Member R18 Classic


New member
First time owning a BMW. So far I am loving it. Here are a few photos of my bike and the modifications so far.


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Welcome, very nice machine…really love the galaxy paint scheme. The pipe is a nice upgrade. Best of luck, Btw I’m also on the island.
Welcome, very nice machine…really love the galaxy paint scheme. The pipe is a nice upgrade. Best of luck, Btw I’m also on the island.

Thanks! I'm yet to see another one on the road. Do you know of any shops on the island that can work on these? The dealer isn't really a dealer anymore.....
Thanks! I'm yet to see another one on the road. Do you know of any shops on the island that can work on these? The dealer isn't really a dealer anymore.....

In my case, I have an older machine (R1150RS oilhead) which I work on myself. Probably a much simpler task. As far as dealer service, maybe Goldcoast MS would be an option. Not sure where you got your bike from. Otherwise Max BMW locations in CT would be my back up, just make a day of it and take the ferry. I’m close to PJ, so their New Milford location is an easy ride once you cross the pond.