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Having mastered baseball, I now have VIP tickets to NASCAR's only Pac NW visit.

What do I need to know?

Folks enlighten me! :D
Wear a dirty John Deere cap, and a tank top with barbeque stains on the front and a large #3 painted on the back. Drink large amounts of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Put a Skoal can in your back pocket, and have some between your cheek and gum at all times. Don't speak. (The latter advice is critical!):nono :D :stick
Who is #3?

Having Skoal between your cheeks at all time...won't that make you walk funny?

We had a m/c team sponsored by Skoal Bandits back in the 80's I think. Skoal was then banned in the UK for being linked with mouth cancers I believe, so perhaps sticking it up your derriere might make more sense.
Is it Daisy Duke's IQ?

Yes we had the Dukes of Hazard shown on UK TV. Never understood why they didn't use the doors on the car though, especially with all those fat folk in the programme.

I tried to find Cleatus in an anatomical journal, but I couldn't!

It was a documentary wasn't it?

Who is #3 then???
So what's the skill factor/s I should be looking for, so I can appreciate the sport.
I mean I understand there aren't Grand Prix type tracks, but there's more to it, I assume, than going in a circle.

Nuances, art, tactics...what's good and what's...dukes of hazard?
Who is #3?
Ever seen a guy wearing an Ayrton Senna shirt? This is the same thing, only redneck style. It's the late Dale Earnhardt's number and is considered sacred by many NASCAR fans. If you can imagine Michael Schumacher getting killed in his last race, you'll understand the situation.
Having Skoal between your cheeks at all time...won't that make you walk funny?

We had a m/c team sponsored by Skoal Bandits back in the 80's I think. Skoal was then banned in the UK for being linked with mouth cancers I believe, so perhaps sticking it up your derriere might make more sense.
Yeah; the cancer risk is there, even if you shove it up yer butt (which brings entirely new meaning to the brand name "Bandit"). You can fake this convincingly if you simply chew black licorice and spit constantly, leaving some dribbling down your chin. If you have all your teeth, it might help to let some of the licorice stick to them ... oh, wait; you're English. Of course you don't have all your teeth. :D

DO NOT under ANY circumstances wear Earth Shoes?® or clogs. Boots or sneakers are the only acceptable footwear. More later ...
Wear a dirty John Deere cap, and a tank top with barbeque stains on the front and a large #3 painted on the back. Drink large amounts of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Put a Skoal can in your back pocket, and have some between your cheek and gum at all times. Don't speak. (The latter advice is critical!):nono :D :stick

Guess this is a thread where the same thing as racism is just OK.

Facts--as usual--don't support your prejudices.

But, I suppose if you need to put others down to make yourself seem worthy ... .
Guess this is a thread where the same thing as racism is just OK.

Facts--as usual--don't support your prejudices.

But, I suppose if you need to put others down to make yourself seem worthy ... .

Been to Albuquerque...nice there, especially the old town part. Good Triumph dealer too on the outskirts. It's where my wife flew in to meet me, when I was riding across the USA on back roads. I can still remember the joy of clean underwear arriving. Many fond memories.

Only problem is, my perspective colours my opinion of the place. I'm sure there's some of it that's less hospitable than where I was...I was just stereotyping based on my personal experiences...sometimes it's hard not to show a bias. Traits and trends are what we are classed by, be it colour, religion, economic value, age, sexuality, ability to ride or not, brand choice etc...

So that's sorted, back to nascar.
There's a guy called Little racing...anything anyone knows about him...Chad, I've just been texted.

Chad Little will be racing, says the text. Wow, I suppose!
It would really help if you could find a driver or two to cheer for. This would tend to make the race a lot more entertaining and not so boring. If unable to do that, try to find a car with a sponsor's name that means something to you and cheer for that car and driver.
It would really help if you could find a driver or two to cheer for. This would tend to make the race a lot more entertaining and not so boring. If unable to do that, try to find a car with a sponsor's name that means something to you and cheer for that car and driver.

Good tip. Are there any Pac NW drivers, or is the sport dominated by drivers from the traditional Nascar area, South I'm guessing?

What's the history? How come there's this division?
I don't sense that what's developed for a car in nascar makes it's way into production vehicles, or is that just plain wrong?
My opinion is based solely on the car adverts I see, none I can recall harken back to Nascar heritage, or technological advances...oil and gas perhaps, but...?
take a set of radio headphones so you can listen into the crews talking with the drivers. deaden's the roar and the strategy piece is fun to listen in on.
Good tip. Are there any Pac NW drivers, or is the sport dominated by drivers from the traditional Nascar area, South I'm guessing?

What's the history? How come there's this division?
I don't sense that what's developed for a car in nascar makes it's way into production vehicles, or is that just plain wrong?
My opinion is based solely on the car adverts I see, none I can recall harken back to Nascar heritage, or technological advances...oil and gas perhaps, but...?

THe history is long but to make it simple, in the late 1940's the moonshiners in the SE USA modified cars to ba able to run away from the police. They also used to get together and race alot. Someone got the bright idea to organize it and NASCAR was born.
take a set of radio headphones so you can listen into the crews talking with the drivers. deaden's the roar and the strategy piece is fun to listen in on.

You can rent these at the track as well as a chart of channels to select the driver you want to listen to. Warning if the driver is having car problems this will not be family oriented language.