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Motoworks Chicago worth the trip



I had a chance to join my wife this past weekend on a business trip to Chicago. I went to Motoworks while she made money and I'm so glad I did. I got there just as they were getting ready to take their Ducati display to the IMS at roseland but the owner Johnny,stop what he was doing apologized for not being able to personally help me but took me on a tour of his facility and personal collection. Ten minutes later we get back to the showroom and his staff made me a cup of coffee and introduced me to Steve the shop foreman lead mechanic and all around amazing guy. With Johnny out the door steve started asking me about what I rode and how their service department could help me. I explained to him a slight shifting issue I had with my gs and he took me to the back pulled out a motor and dissasembled it showing me EXACTLY where I needed to lube to get more milage out of it. He spent a good 2 hours going over projected maintenance and suggestions for when to do what. I was so amazed I picked my wife up later that day and told her she HAD to check this place out. She ended up falling in love with a /5 and buying a new jacket and some gloves and I bought a new battery based on Steve's suggestions.
The following day we went to the IMS and saw them again at the Ducati booth and the welcome was just as warm and helpful. If you are in Chicago and want to see a really cool shop with some fun old bikes as well as some beautiful scooters and such it's worth the stop. The coffee is free and not bad either!

The /5 was amazingly clean and the wife was sure she wanted it but in another testament to Steve and his knowledge he talked her out of it. Not because he didn't want to sell it but because it's not really the best bike for her. She's 5'2 and a new rider. So his suggestion to her was consider the drum front brakes and what that will mean to her riding style. It was one of the most awesome things to watch a person that was being paid to sell willing to loose a sale just for the sake of what was best for the customer. Personally I'm a little sad we don't now have a /5 in the stable but honestly it wasn't the rite bike for her and she would have not enjoyed it as much as she could because of the vintage. So you can bet that when she's ready she will want to go back to Chicago for her next bike.
/5 great first bike - front drum brake is not a problem.

that /5 is a great first bike - Not fast enough to out due the front brake. I love my airheads because they are happy going slow / crusing enjoy the ride. You should not depend on Dual disk front brakes to get you out of a problem!! Be more aware and do not put yourself in the situation where you need "dual Disk front brake stopping power"

Pretty Bike!!!:p