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Mid-South ride, eat, and meet

Took a freight run to Lakeville, Mn., just south of Minneapolis. Got that done Friday mourning. I had some free time waiting on the next load. Went to all three BMW dealers in the area. Leo's South, Moon, the Hitchingpost. All multibrand dealers. All friendly and helpful. Picked up a nice T at Moon. Couldn't find anything at Hitching Post. Ryan Duday came up and handed me a pin. Racing 1000RR with a roundel and castrol oil logo. I said I'll buy it. Ryan said no, it's on the house. Thanx Ryan. I like little trinkets. Took it out of the box and pinned it to my cap. Nice. Got freight run picking up tomorrow heading to Jasper, In.
Christmas in April

Got back home yesterday, just inside the door was a stack of boxes. Motorcycle parts! Parts ordered for the Classic Bavarian Bagger build finally came in. :thumb:
Thx much. Like your S, one of the all time great bikes. Will post pics of the bags on the bike this week. :thumb
Bill Bledsoe / BMW of Louisville

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Took a freight load up to Madison, Indiana; stopped in BMW of Louisville on the way back. Met Bill at the dealership and discussed BMW's, Harley's and bikes in general. Bill was looking over the vasserboxer BMW adventure bikes. He was getting ready for a ride up to Alaska. I think I got that right. Any way I really enjoyed the visit. Told him I would post the pic when I got back home. Meeting people like Bill makes long haul freight hawling tolerable. Hope to see you on the road Bill. Maybe I'll be on a bike on my own road trip. Bill knows his bikes.
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Stopped in at the Tn. Welcome Center on I-155 in Dyersburg, Tn. Informative picturerama on the American Civil War. War on the Mississippi River in this area. One of the area's that has gotten my interest of late. River battles in Columbus, Ky.; Belmont, Mo., Island Number 10, New Madrid, Mo. Tiptonville, Tn. Wish I had been on my bike doing the tour.
I'm still laughing at post 643 and them boxes, stacked up on the k75. Back in the early 90's a BMW rider rode in to the Bulow Campground north of Daytona during bike week. The stuff he had packed on his bike made this look small. I'll try to post it, if I can find it. Brings back memories. My extended BMW family just make my day and make life worth living. :wave
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My buddy Larry. His bikes are a little rough, but he's a hard core biker and rider and a good guy. If your in downtown Memphis on Wendesday night, Bikes on Beale is a pretty good deal. :thumb
Charlie Parsons new MOA Ambassador

Congratulations to Charlie being named anew MOA Ambassador. It's a high honor and Charlie has earned it with never ending work and dedication to all things BMW and all the riders who ride them. Thx Charlie, you more than deserve it. :wave
hey barry great pics. BOB looks like a blast.

thanks for the shout on on my comedy K cargo bike ;-) I got a kick of loading her up like that.

look forward to seeing that luggage sporting up your ride soon!

best wishes from colorful colorado