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How about some tire kicking? Where are folks staying in Redmond?


Well-known member
Thought it would be neat to know which hotels / motels folks will be at for the 2024 Rally in Redmond. 2022 was great with lots of parking lot activity at the Best Western. 2023 was OK but not as good probably because we were more spread out.

So where are folks staying?

Thought it would be neat to know which hotels / motels folks will be at for the 2024 Rally in Redmond. 2022 was great with lots of parking lot activity at the Best Western. 2023 was OK but not as good probably because we were more spread out.

So where are folks staying?

Staying in Prineville.. close enuf for an easy ride over, and far enuf away from the traffics in Bend/Redmond…. Plus, great riding to the East & Northeast… my 2 cents..
Waiting for rally registration to open, planning on staying with my sister between Redmond and Sisters.

Sent from my SM-N970U1 using Tapatalk
We're at the Sleep Inn in the north of town about 5 miles from the rally. My pillion doesn't camp lol
Hope to see you again in Redmond Pete.

Have you mapped out your route yet?
We have, but are taking the SUV this time so we can explore Utah backcountry along the way. Vermont thru the Adirondacks and Alleghenies to Ohio’s Hocking Hills. Across southern Indiana and Illinois to Missouri, dropping down into northern Arkansas, then on to western Colorado and southern Utah where the real fun starts. Then up to Crater Lake, over to the coast, up to Mt St Helens then south to the rally.

The sidecar rig is currently being repaired from last year’s crash, and the paint won’t be fully cured by rally time.
Sherpa Packers.

We have, but are taking the SUV this time so we can explore Utah backcountry along the way. Vermont thru the Adirondacks and Alleghenies to Ohio’s Hocking Hills. Across southern Indiana and Illinois to Missouri, dropping down into northern Arkansas, then on to western Colorado and southern Utah where the real fun starts. Then up to Crater Lake, over to the coast, up to Mt St Helens then south to the rally.

The sidecar rig is currently being repaired from last year’s crash, and the paint won’t be fully cured by rally time.
That sounds nice so many great options along the way. I’ve just begun the planning and so far looks like I may stop at Americade in Lake George for a day or two to meet up with my two Canadian buddies who are not going to Redmond. From there we may go up to Canada and come down through Michigan, or take a route similar to yours through Ohio. Will definitely spend at least one night at Spearfish Canyon Lodge either going or coming. I also like to stop in eastern South Dakota to visit our niece. But I do want to get some Colorado time in as well . The planning has begun.
Hi non tenting Rally attendees. I have a 2 bedroom/1 bath rental near downtown Redmond, that I have for Thur-Sun. Message me if interested in staying/splitting it with me? It is 3 miles from the fairgrounds. Bob
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Thought it would be neat to know which hotels / motels folks will be at for the 2024 Rally in Redmond. 2022 was great with lots of parking lot activity at the Best Western. 2023 was OK but not as good probably because we were more spread out.

So where are folks staying?
Best Western, Redmond
We have a site in the RV Campground on the Rally grounds. Hope to meet some of the names I recognize.