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Hi there... first post - low fuel light issue


09 F650GS, 08 Suzuki Band
Hi there, this is my first post. I have a 09 F650GS. Low fuel light is on, gauge shows low fuel, but the tank is full and fuel usage is normal. Bike is under warranty and I'll take it in, just wondering if there is an easy reset I can do myself.

It sounds as if your float is somehow stuck in the bottom of the tank....

I think I would try removing the fuel cap and looking down in there with a flashlight. I know on my RS I had just the same problem in reverse, the guage always showed full. The problem was that the arm that the float was on had somehow become bent ever so slightly and was rubbing on the side of the tank when full enough that as the fuel level dropped, the float would stay at the top.

I was able to fix mine by just bending the arm slightly to give it clearance enough to fall along with the fuel level.

Not saying that is what is wrong with yours, but worth a look if it wwere me.
