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The more you add to your fuse panel, the messier it gets.
It is good practice to clean it up at the time of any new farkle install.
Here the grounds and power are organized.
On the left hand side (towards headlight) is the positive side, towards the gas tank are the negative (ground) sides. This is totally dependent on the type of fuse panel you have and where/how you located it.
In the location of where I wanted to put the controller adjuster I encountered an issue that the mounting pin of the panel was directly below the hole to be drilled.
To address that the pin location was identified and a new location hole was selected.
There is no science to the next part - to align the hole drilling for the LED, I used a straight edge and I aligned it with the + cross-hair (yellow arrow) of where to drill the shaft hole and then drew the line.
Then I got on the bike to see if it was lined up - it wasn't - so I drew the corrected one you see below and proceeded to drill the hole.
If you plan on mouting the controller in the same general area as i did below is shown where the mounting post for the panel is in relation to where you are drilling.
Something to be aware of - consider it a soft caution.
Note - the Side Panel goes for about $780.00 be sure you want to do this.
After you start drilling there is no going back.
Some tips for drilling:
the instructions call out the sizes you need (9/32" for the shaft and 7/64" for the LED) or in metric-speak 7.25mm/2.77mm respectively
Don't start with those - start with smaller pilot holes and work your way up.
Use an electric drill as you have more control on speed (at least I do on mine)
Drill from the finished paint side - this will leave a cleaner hole and minize paint flacking by the outer edges of the drill point
Slow speed, even pressure - if you have sharp bits it will go quick
try to have a drill size that is one level below what is stated in the instructions - you will then be able to gauge how much drill opening you have left.
Last but not least - go slow, evenly and take your time
This shows a ziptie that was added to the panel post support, helping to provide support for the PCB. A 3/16" hole must be drilled in the support for the ziptie. Do NOT overtighten the ziptie!