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Flashing High Beam Kills Engine


New member
My 95 R1100GS with 28,000miles left my wife and me on the side of the road bewildered. As we were approaching a four way intersection with a caution light (we had yellow they had red). I flashed my high beam at the car stopping at the intersection. On the second flash the engine miss fired and died. (the bike had been runnig great with no indication of trouble) we coasted safely to the shoulder and I started checking the bike. As it was starting to get dark and we were in a rural area my wife suggested we call for help. I had a friend who we were visiting nearby pick us up and bring us and the dead beemer back to our house.

Once home I started checking the bike. I didnÔÇÖt have fire to the plugs. When I removed the plugs they were carbon fouled (shiny black and wet). I cleaned the plugs and reinstalled. The bike started but ran poorly. I ran up to the local parts store and purchased a set of Champion equivalents.
I set the gap and reinstalled. The bike started and ran perfectly.

The bike was serviced at 27,000miles by a shop specializing BMWÔÇÖs which included along with fluids and filters, new plugs, valve adjustment and throttle body sync. I tried to duplicate the problem flashing the high beam (my neighbors must have thought the bike guy was going crazy riding around the neighborhood flashing my high beam). I had the local shop check it and they could not find any problems. I have since put a 1,000miles on the bike without issue.

Has anyone had this experience with their bike? I am planning a trip to Tennessee in 2 weeks and would like it to be trouble free.

IMHO probably just a coincidence. You found the problem, spark plugs and fixed it. I wouldn't worry about the hi beam. Have you run a test since you put the new plugs in? Any problems. Safe Riding!
You say a shop put new plugs in the bike and did a complete tuneup at 27k miles? And at 28,000 miles the plugs were carbon fouled? I would check the plugs again before your trip. Maybe bring new set along regardless.
Thanks for the responses and I appreciate the help. I haven't had any problems since and I do carry a spare set of plugs in my tank bag. I just have a hard time pressing that high beam switch.
