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F650GS Rear Wheel



Hello, I have a 2007 F650GS and I can not remove the rear "quick release axle". I have removed the nut on the right and loosened the chain tensioners (left and right). The axle turns, but will not pull out. Any ideas or tricks? During the last tire change, the axle pulled right out without effort.

as long as the nut is off and the chain is loose put a drift pin in the threaded (nut) side and tap it with a hammer. it will come right out that way
Hello, I have a 2007 F650GS and I can not remove the rear "quick release axle". I have removed the nut on the right and loosened the chain tensioners (left and right). The axle turns, but will not pull out. Any ideas or tricks? During the last tire change, the axle pulled right out without effort.


It is simply binding. It may be binding in the wheel. I have had them bind where they go through the brake caliper holder. Get some help - and wiggle the wheel while your helper pulls. I bet it will come out.

THEN - carefully examine the axle for any sign of wear and/or ridges - especially where it meets each bearing race. I have seen one case where the bearing in the sprocket carrier was bad, causing the inner race to spin, causing a little groove to wear in the axle.
Thanks for the answer Paul. I checked the Chaingang but could not find a reference to this problem.