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emergency call- BMW introduces SOS call system for Motorcyclists

Note- I added" BMW introduces SOS call system for motorcycles" to the title so as people will know it's not someone in trouble.

Carry on.
Not sure I'm keen on a proprietary system that only works if you (or someone else) happen to be riding the bike with that system. Something like the BMW Helmet being developed.

It is recreating, at a significant expense and added complexity, several existing systems that most riders would already have with them built into their little smartphone. The smartphone app CRadar, does some of this already, but I'd like to see something more. Perhaps along the lines of the GM On-Star emergency contact system (Ford has a similar one), but available to the rider not the bike.

CRADAR (CRAsh Detection And Response) is a man-down application that uses the accelerometer to detect a fall and sends a text message alert to a specified emergency contact, using the GPS to include a link to a map with your exact location. Great for cyclists, hikers, bikers, and anyone traveling alone.

I've stayed away from proprietary communication systems and use a Sena for exactly this reason. I want something that is going to be available to me no matter which of my helmets, or bikes I ride at any given moment. My thinking is that if something has a broader reach it will allow it to achive a critical mass needed to continue to provide leading features and results.