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East Coast Frame Repair Shops?


Well-known member
Well, I wrecked my beloved RS. The steering head bosses on the frame are bent as the forks were pushed back in the accident.

Anyone have a source for a reputable shop that could repair it? I am located near Rochester NY. St.
Well, I wrecked my beloved RS. The steering head bosses on the frame are bent as the forks were pushed back in the accident.

Anyone have a source for a reputable shop that could repair it? I am located near Rochester NY. St.

I would think getting a replacement frame would be the better way to go.

yeah Paul, most likely you are going to be correct. I just got off the phone with Max BMW, they had a frame jig but not longer, it was too much trouble for the cost. Anyway, it doesn't hurt to ask. St.
There's a couple of frame shops listed in the link in my signature line...nothing on east coast. It's not a big deal to ship something like a frame...I think I've heard people putting them in the cargo area of Greyhound buses.
Based on my personal experience repairing bicycle frames that have taken front-end hits, you need to find someone who can replace the "down tubes", else plan on replacing the frame. You can usually pull the steering head tube back where it needs to be, but the down tube will still have ripples and risk of stress cracks. Not something I'd want to think about while riding at speed. And if they can't pull the head tube back to spec, steering geometry will remain compromised - as in, rather lively.
thanks all

Thank you those who replied and gave me contacts. At this time, I will not be rebuilding the bike, wife says it is jinxed and I believe her as this was my second major accident on it. LOL, if anyone wants a project bike, 78 RS Belgian Police Bike or Autumn Special to tackle feel free to contact me, I can put you in touch with the shop it is at now. LOL, I know, don't do "trade/sale" on the forum, forgive me this time Kurt, St.