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Distinguished Gentlemen Ride?


Well-known member
Anybody else attend their local DGR? We had about 300 or so riders here in San Francisco and raised something close to $200K for prostate cancer research and men's mental health services.

I rode the /2, wore some nice clothes and hand a terrific time, ending with a barbecue under the Golden Gate Bridge, over on the Sausalito side of the bridge.

Anyone else? Maybe next year? I personally know four people dealing with prostate cancer and was happy to be able to raise some money to help research to put an end to that.

I guess that'd be a no? I can't be the only MOA member that raised funds for this, can I?


Anybody else got any photos?
Outstanding to hear.

It's an enormously fun day of mostly hanging around gawking at bikes, a shortish ride, then more gawking at bikes and hanging around. :ha
I tried once... it's a bit that you are forced to sign up for a ride without being told the date.
After I signed up, I was told the date was 2 weeks before... I would have to wait for next year's ride.

My job allows me to plan things like this a few weeks out... not months... DEFINITELY not years.
I would have to see the schedule, and sign up for the ones I can make when I know what my schedule is... generally a few weeks before said event.

For this reason, I wasn't able to make the ride I wanted to make... and I never tried to sign up for another one.
I tried once... it's a bit that you are forced to sign up for a ride without being told the date.
After I signed up, I was told the date was 2 weeks before... I would have to wait for next year's ride.

My job allows me to plan things like this a few weeks out... not months... DEFINITELY not years.
I would have to see the schedule, and sign up for the ones I can make when I know what my schedule is... generally a few weeks before said event.

For this reason, I wasn't able to make the ride I wanted to make... and I never tried to sign up for another one.

The date was September, then got moved to May. It's been the weekend before Memorial Day for the last 3 or 4 events.

I think that as an older man, I have a 1 out of 3 chance of getting prostate cancer. Men increasingly have mental health issues and are willing to discuss them and get them resolved. This year, I raised about $1000 to help.

I've been the beneficiary of solutions brought to market through fundraising. My wife's primary cancer drug was funded by Team in Training with the Leukemia Lymphoma Society,. so I was powerfully motivated to help fundraise for that, raising over $30K in 5 years. So for me, as a potential prostate cancer patient or requiring mental health help, I feel like it's my obligation in service of others to take a day out of my life for this cause.

Give it a shot. If you sign up on their website, they'll start sending you information a couple months ahead of time. But I think you can safely plan on the Sunday before Memorial Day for next year. Rides occur all over the globe on that day. This year, it was held in almost 900 cities in 107 countries, with more than 100K riders globally. Total fundraising was about $45M and the US raised almost $7M.

If you have time and can make it work, please join us as we help other men find their way forward and work to end prostate cancer. It's a really fun day and getting home, thinking about helping others while doing so makes it all worthwhile.


And OM, the related threads thing shows old threads from years ago, not this year's events, but thanks for the pointer.
I participated in the Rhinebeck event, this being my third year.

The DGR was yesterday, thought I'd throw in some pics and some stats....

I raised $1,064 this year, and have raised $3,738 in the three years I have participated.

The Rhinebeck, NY ride (the one I did) raised over $35,000 this year.

Worldwide, this year the DGR raised $6.7 million with over 104,000 participants.

This money goes into raising awareness and funding for Men's health issues, specifically Mental Health and cancer.

Still want to donate? You can do so until June 4th.


May 16, 2023 by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

May 21, 2023 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr

In recent weeks, two prominent men, Britain's King Charles and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, revealed they were dealing with prostate issues. CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook offers us a prostate "user's guide," and explains PSA tests and the process of diagnosing and treating ailments such as benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer.

I've joined in a couple of times but not last year and for me it's a solo event as I don't know of anyone else in my area.
I wish we had an event like this near me. Would be fun to attend.

You can organize one near you. Seriously. I used to ride the one in San Francisco, but it looks like there's going to be one here in Santa Rosa this year.

A friend used to organize the one in Tucson. https://www.gentlemansride.com/rides/united+states

I'm still surprised that the MOA hasn't gotten involved in this in any way. For an organization that's primarily men, 1 out of 3 of whom will have some kind of prostate cancer issue, it's kind of amazing that we haven't embraced the fight against a challenge that some significant number of us will face.

And that's before we add in the men's mental health research funding it raises.

Maybe the board will take it up in some fashion since the cause will affect so many of us.