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Central FL- The Villages, any riders out there?


New member
Have been in The Villages 2 yrs as snowbirds, just moved her full time last October’22.
So far I’ve been riding in semi-large groups with a Villages MC club, mostly HD riders. Learning some of the great lunch/breakfast destinations.

Would be interested on a group of BMW rides in this area - up for day or multi day rides
Steve W
Have been in The Villages 2 yrs as snowbirds, just moved her full time last October’22.
So far I’ve been riding in semi-large groups with a Villages MC club, mostly HD riders. Learning some of the great lunch/breakfast destinations.

Would be interested on a group of BMW rides in this area - up for day or multi day rides
Steve W

Check out Florida MSTA - https://flmsta.org/
Great group, and they do several rides in your area. I lived in Fla. for 7 years and rode with them often. Lake County actually had some nice riding!

There's also Space Coast BMW Riders based in Melbourne. I believe they are on Facebook.